A site about dental diseases and their treatment


Choosing Toothache Pills: An Overview of Pain Relief Properties
Choosing Toothache Pills: An Overview of Pain Relief Properties

With severe toothache, the desire of the sufferer as soon as possible to take some effective pill, which at least for a couple of hours would relieve debilitating torment, is quite obvious. But here is the problem - some pills help well with mild toothache, but are practically useless with acute pain, characteristic, for example, for pulpitis or periodontitis. Moreover, one and the same drug, even powerful enough, can help one person very well, and weakly another. So what to do with acute or aching toothache, and what nuances it is important to consider when choosing painkillers - let's figure it out ...

What to do if the tooth hurts after removing the nerve and cleaning the canals
What to do if the tooth hurts after removing the nerve and cleaning the canals

Every person turning to a dentist with a toothache wants to get rid of it once and for all. However, it happens that even after removing the nerve, cleaning the canals and filling them, the tooth continues to hurt. Sometimes it can be painful to touch his tongue even for several days. At the same time, the patient has quite reasonable questions: why does the pain in a dead tooth already treated appear again, how long will it last and what actions should be taken in such a situation? We will talk about this later.

What can be done at home to relieve severe toothache
What can be done at home to relieve severe toothache

Do you have a toothache? The pain is so strong that it does not allow you to concentrate on business and does not even allow you to eat normally? The first thing to do in this situation is to call the dentist and make an appointment as soon as possible. However, while waiting for the help of the dentist, it may still be necessary to somehow relieve or at least reduce the pain yourself. On effective means and methods of relieving toothache at home, we will talk more ...

How to rinse a diseased tooth for speedy pain relief
How to rinse a diseased tooth for speedy pain relief

Perhaps the first thing that almost anyone instinctively does when a toothache occurs is trying to rinse your mouth in the hope of getting rid of this pain as soon as possible. At the same time, a wide variety of solutions are used: salt and soda, and vodka, and hydrogen peroxide, and, you will not believe it, even hot milk. In general, whoever cares what, he rinses, and often without any understanding how this rinsing works in general, why this particular solution was taken and with what frequency the procedure should be repeated. Well, if so, then let's figure out how to nevertheless rinse your mouth properly to relieve toothache in order to get a positive effect, and at the same time not harm yourself in general and your bad tooth in particular ...

Using Nise Pills To Relieve Toothache
Using Nise Pills To Relieve Toothache

Nise tablets today already successfully compete in popularity with the "folk" Analgin and the advertised Nurofen. At least, those who suffer from toothache, use the drug even more willingly and more often, considering it almost a specialized dental tool. And what exactly is Nise, how effective is it in various types of toothache and how to use it correctly - let's talk about this in more detail.

Does garlic help with toothache or is it more a myth than a truth?
Does garlic help with toothache or is it more a myth than a truth?

Among folk remedies for toothache, various homegrown "healers" are often advised to use garlic. It is believed that this sure remedy can even relieve severe toothache, and it is recommended to use it almost any way: both in the form of tincture, and in the form of a compress on a diseased tooth, and even for simple application to the wrist. Is it really effective? Let's see how things are in practice, and how much in reality garlic helps relieve toothache ...

Does No-Shpa help with toothache?
Does No-Shpa help with toothache?

The drug No-Shpa is well known as a rather effective remedy for abdominal pain and sometimes for headaches. Based on this, many people are trying to apply No-Shpu from toothache, counting on the universality of the analgesic effect of the drug. But whether these pills really relieve toothache - we’ll continue to try to figure this out ...

Does Tempalgin help with toothache and reviews about its use
Does Tempalgin help with toothache and reviews about its use

When a tooth begins to seriously disturb, and before a visit to the dentist you still have to endure, often a variety of painkillers are used. As a rule, these are tablets available in a home medicine cabinet, or those that can be bought at a nearby pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. And one of such remedies that many people are trying to use for toothache is Tempalgin, a fairly well-known drug. However, is it really effective? Let's try to figure it out, and also see what those who have already tested it in practice say about this tool.

What to do when toothache occurs during pregnancy
What to do when toothache occurs during pregnancy

Toothache for many pregnant women is a real nightmare. At least because future mothers are no less afraid of going to the dentist than drinking pills. As a result, mild signs of tooth decay and slight soreness are completely ignored at first, then the pain intensifies, often developing into a serious problem over time. And often by the time of childbirth, when it is already really undesirable to go to the dentist, a pregnant woman feels a toothache of such strength that the birth does not seem so terrible to her. How to behave properly if a tooth starts to hurt during pregnancy, and how can it be reassured without harming the developing fetus? In these matters we will continue to try to understand in more detail.

Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use?
Does Analgin help with toothache and is it dangerous to use?

Analgin was also used for toothache by our parents and grandparents. And today, this tool remains one of the most popular painkillers in Russia, although with the advent of more modern and safer substitutes, its former "glory" pretty quickly fades. Next, we will try to figure out how effective and appropriate the use of Analgin to relieve toothache, and why it is increasingly abandoned in favor of other drugs ...



Imagine that your tooth hurts: not very much, but quite noticeably, and not for the first time, but so to speak, once again. What are you going to do?

It may seem surprising, but a huge number of people just drink pain pills for toothache, without really thinking about the causes of pain, the possible consequences, and without feeling much desire to understand all this. And why - after all, it is enough to drink an anesthetic drug, and the problem would seem to be resolved ...

But since you are reading these lines, then most likely, at least you already vaguely (or clearly) understand that this is far from simple. Toothache does not occur just like that: it is not a headache, which is sometimes really not clear from what it appears and by itself passes.

If a tooth is ill, then in 99% of cases there are serious problems in its health that require dental care. And you do not need to regularly relieve pain with pills - you should make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible, because even mild pain and related caries can easily go into much more significant tooth decay with corresponding severe pain symptoms and other problems for general health .

However, sometimes you really can not do without painkillers - for example, with acute toothache, when you already made an appointment with the doctor, but there is simply no strength to endure for several more hours (or days).

In detail about what to do if a tooth hurts, we will talk in this section of the site. And here we consider not only drugs that can very effectively relieve pain at home, but also folk remedies and techniques, which sometimes are also quite effective.

In addition, in this section of the site you will find a lot of useful and interesting information about the possible causes of pain after dental treatment, when, for example, a tooth begins to hurt badly under a filling or crown. Attention is also paid to pain associated with wisdom teeth and practical recommendations on what to do in a given situation in order to avoid complications dangerous to health (and sometimes to life) in time.


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