A site about dental diseases and their treatment


INNOVA Sensitive Toothpastes for Sensitive Teeth (from SPLAT)
INNOVA Sensitive Toothpastes for Sensitive Teeth (from SPLAT)

The company Splat has developed a whole line of products for the care of sensitive teeth - it is based on four toothpastes designed to combat the manifestations of hyperesthesia, including in the most severe cases. A characteristic feature of these pastes is the presence of nanohydroxyapatite in their composition, which is attributed to the ability to clog the dentinal tubules already in one application of the paste, thereby blocking the access of irritants to the nerve receptors of the tooth. Let's see if the INNOVA Sensitive series toothpastes are so effective in practice and what other important nuances you should pay attention to before buying them ...

Japanese Toothpaste White & White by Lion and reviews on its use
Japanese Toothpaste White & White by Lion and reviews on its use

Japanese toothpastes, despite their diversity in Japan itself, are a kind of exotic for Russians and citizens of the CIS countries. Even little-known Finnish and Belgian pastas do not seem to our consumers as unique as Japanese ones. And, perhaps, the most famous of the entire group of such products is the White & White toothpaste manufactured by Lion. What it is, how effective it is and what other Japanese toothpastes it is worth paying attention to - let's figure it out together ...

Whitening toothpastes: how to choose the best and at the same time not harm the enamel?
Whitening toothpastes: how to choose the best and at the same time not harm the enamel?

Whitening toothpastes are very popular today, which is greatly facilitated by massive advertising: here you can find promises of effect after the first application, powerful whitening with active oxygen in combination with “unique” abrasive polishing systems, and even some kind of 3D whitening. However, before you decide to whiten your teeth with such pastes, it will be very useful to first understand the important and interesting nuances regarding the safe use of whitening toothpastes, the rules for choosing them and whitening enamel in general. What kind of paste to buy, will it be effective and how to understand in time that it is harmful to your teeth? Let’s talk about all this and much more ...

Review of Crest toothpastes, their composition and reviews on the application
Review of Crest toothpastes, their composition and reviews on the application

Crest toothpastes are a kind of rarity in the dental market in our country. Neither the manufacturer nor the intermediary sellers are particularly active in promoting it in the CIS countries, despite the fact that people like this paste, and some consumers even consider it to be much more useful and effective than the widely advertised products on the market. Why are the Cross toothpastes so good and what is their highlight, so to speak? Let's figure it out together ...

Lacalut toothpastes and reviews on their use
Lacalut toothpastes and reviews on their use

Lakalyut toothpastes are one of the most famous today, because they have been brushing their teeth for almost a hundred years, and in the USSR this trademark came in the late 70s, becoming at that time one of the most prestigious. And today, Lacalut pastes are firmly holding their place in the market, despite very serious competition. Of course, such popularity is based not only on advertising, but primarily on the effectiveness of products in solving various problems with teeth and gums, which is confirmed not only by reviews of ordinary people, but also by reviews of experienced dentists. Well, let's get acquainted with the key features of the Lacalut toothpaste line in more detail and see if they are really good? ..

President's toothpastes, features of their composition and reviews on the application
President's toothpastes, features of their composition and reviews on the application

President’s toothpastes (PresiDENT) are very popular among consumers today, and they are trying to use products of this brand for a variety of purposes: someone struggles with caries, others solve problems with gums and bad breath, and someone helps relieve painful sensitivity teeth.And we must pay tribute - the President’s pastes often give the expected effect, which is confirmed by numerous reviews and largely justifies even relatively high prices for products. An important feature of the brand is a very wide range of toothpastes in the line; in it you can find a tool that is optimal for each individual person, but you can get confused in the variety of names. Therefore, let's gently put all PresiDENT toothpastes on the shelves, consider the features of each and choose one that is ideal for your teeth.

Does toothpaste help get rid of acne?
Does toothpaste help get rid of acne?

In search of a remedy that would help get rid of acne once and for all, many young people (and adults too) are willing to try to deal with this nuisance with the most unexpected means: yeast, oatmeal, drops from a cold and even ... with the help of toothpastes. Moreover, purely theoretically, the use of each of these tools is based on a certain rational grain. Let’s separately consider the use of acne toothpastes and see if they actually help get rid of acne, or is this another myth ...

Whitening toothpastes from Thailand and reviews on their use
Whitening toothpastes from Thailand and reviews on their use

Almost everyone who is more or less inclined to carefully choose toothpastes, and not just buy the first ones that are in the store, have heard about the so-called Thai toothpastes. Their exotic composition and unusual form of release, low price and promised almost magical properties literally fascinate many buyers, forcing them to fork out for a jar of such a unique product. Our compatriots who are living in Thailand for a long time are especially indifferent to Thai pastas - forced to save, they buy the cheapest local pastas, and in order to somehow support their blogs, they often praise their purchases. We will figure out what properties actually have toothpastes from Thailand, and whether it is worth changing the traditional means of oral care for these exotic new products ...

Overview of the properties of toothpastes Mexidol Dent and reviews on their use
Overview of the properties of toothpastes Mexidol Dent and reviews on their use

Mexidol Dent pastes can often be found in pharmacies, however, oddly enough, most people do not know anything about this brand. Most often, this paste is bought either on the recommendation of dentists, or on the advice of friends who have already tested it in action and received a well-defined positive effect. So what kind of paste is this - Mexidol dent - why does it help best and how do dentists and their patients respond to it? In these and some other no less interesting questions we will try to figure it out further ...

The use of Sensodyne toothpastes for sensitive teeth
The use of Sensodyne toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Sensodyne is a paste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. The component composition of each of them is selected in such a way as not to injure the tooth enamel, to maximize its restoration and decrease in sensitivity. Let's see how this is achieved and how in the Sensodyne line of toothpastes to choose the best option for your situation ...



We consider the features of various toothpastes, their advantages and disadvantages, brands that are popular in the market and reviews about them.


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