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How long does the gum heal after the tooth extraction procedure and is it possible to accelerate its healing

Author: Yashin Svyatoslav Gennadevich | Last update: 2019
≡ Article 280 has comments

We will figure out how long the gum usually heals after the tooth extraction procedure and how to speed up the healing process ...

Fear or concerns before a tooth extraction operation is normal if they do not panic and do not provoke a person to dangerous prolonged inaction. When a patient in the office of a dentist-surgeon finally gets rid of a bad tooth - at that moment it may seem that all fears and problems are already behind ... However, in practice this is not always the case, and you need to be prepared for this.

After tooth extraction, many people start to worry about another question - how long does the hole and the injured gum heal? This is due to the fact that sometimes after the procedure, the gum begins to be very disturbing, often the bleeding of the hole and pain stretch for several days.

One of the problems that patients face immediately after tooth extraction is the prolonged bleeding of the hole.

A wound in the mouth at the site of the extracted tooth creates a lot of inconvenience:

  • sometimes the hole bleeds for a very long time, and a person in such a situation does not understand how to stop the ongoing bleeding;
  • habitual food strives to get into the hole, additionally injuring it;
  • sometimes the wound begins to fester, a putrefactive smell appears from it.

In order to understand how long the gums heal after tooth extraction, it is useful to first understand what processes take place in the tooth well after surgery, how it is “dragged on," which factors contribute to this, and which seriously interfere, creating risks of reinfection tissues surrounding the wound with the development of complications - alveolitis (inflammation of the hole).

The photo shows the removed wisdom tooth

Immediately after tooth extraction and filling the hole with a blood clot, the mechanisms of its healing start, however, to accurately predict how long the gums will heal is quite problematic, since this process is largely individual in nature and is influenced by a number of factors. However, having the necessary information, you can not only accelerate the restoration of the gums and bones in the hole of the extracted tooth, but also make the healing phase relatively comfortable and quick.

Let's talk about all this in more detail.


Why does the hole (gum) sometimes heal for a long time, and on what it depends

After the dental surgeon has extracted the tooth from the hole, the process of wound healing by the so-called secondary intention begins. This means that the circular ligament around the tooth contracts and the gingival margins come closer together. The formation of a blood clot in the well has a very beneficial effect on the healing process of a wound after tooth extraction - this clot plays an important role as a kind of protection against possible infection. Accordingly, in no case should you remove this clot, for example, by intensive rinsing of the mouth or, especially, mechanically - with a finger or a toothpick.

It is very important that the tooth hole is filled with a blood clot, since it will subsequently reliably protect the wound from infection.

The blood clot is replaced by granulation tissue for several days, and then osteoid tissue is formed. In other words, over time, a new bone with a gum formed above it forms in place of the extracted tooth.

With traumatic tooth extraction, when the gum ruptures and a significant part of the walls of the hole is damaged, the healing process can take a long time, and how long it takes to restore the tissue will depend on a number of factors.

The first of these factors is the state of the wound immediately after the procedure: the more mistakes have been made by the doctor, the gum is always worse tightened.


Two weeks ago, he removed the roots of the lower right last tooth, it seems sevens. At first, the removal went fine: two injections were made into the gum: inside and out, then the surgeon began to grab my bad tooth with forceps, but it broke off and its pieces flew off into my tongue.

After I spit, some kind of nonsense began: the doctor took a chisel and a hammer and began to hammer along with my nurse on my tooth, as I understood - to divide the roots in half.It was not painful, but terribly terrible, blows were heard in my head, and vibration created unpleasant sensations. As soon as the roots cracked, the surgeon began to extract them with some sharp metal rods. It was not painful, but a lot of blood flowed, as the gums were picked for 30 minutes.

After taking two roots in turn, the doctor put a piece of gauze in my mouth, let me hold it for 20 minutes and sent it home. When I got home, I saw in the mirror on the place of my former tooth a dangling gum both inside and outside, and my tongue touched the edge of the bone, not covered by anything. After an hour, the gums became very sick and began to bleed.

The laceration continued to hurt for more than 3 days, and even when it was gone, the sharp edge of the bone still interfered strongly with my chewing. As a result, the hole in the place of the extracted tooth was delayed for a month and a half, so we had to constantly rinse out the remains of food from it. More to such a doctor, I do not foot.

Ivan, Armavir

Unfortunately, in some dental clinics, doctors still use outdated methods for removing tooth roots, which are very traumatic and unpleasant for patients.

The second factor determining the time of wound healing is the possible accession of infection.

Well infection often occurs during complex removal, when carious residues of the diseased tooth are thrown deep into the wound, which causes its suppuration. In most cases, after such a tooth extraction, the gums and socket heal for a very long time.

If carious tooth residues are not completely removed from the hole, the wound can fester and heal very slowly.

However, it is important to note the fact that the purulent process in the hole can also occur as a result of poor care of the wound by the patient himself: in this case, the infection does not enter during the removal procedure, but after it. When food constantly enters the hole and accumulates there for a long time along with bacteria from the oral cavity, suppuration of the wound can occur, and its healing is significantly delayed.


Secondary infections or What interferes with healing?

It is believed that the oral cavity is the most “dirty” place in the human body: here, in addition to the actually pathogenic microbes, there is also a huge number of so-called conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. The word "conditionally" means that such microbes begin to harm only under certain conditions.

When a deep wound appears in the mouth after tooth extraction, which, moreover, is a kind of reservoir for food “waste”, microbes that previously could not harm a person become conditionally pathogenic from causing pathogens, causing an inflammatory process with purulent phenomena. How long the gums will heal after tooth extraction, in this case, is largely determined by the level of oral hygiene and proper wound care.

Proper care of injured gums significantly reduces the risk of severe inflammation, resulting in faster healing of wounds.

It is important to understand that a fresh wound in the mouth is generally vulnerable to any infections from the outside: for example, a secondary infection can get along with dirty hands during meals, with an old toothbrush, and in many other circumstances. The recovery of infected tissues of the well after tooth extraction is slowed down: almost always in such cases, the healing time of the gums stretches for months until the wound cleans itself of necrotic formations and the growth of granulation tissue begins with the further formation of a normal young bone.


What is the norm in the speed of healing, and what deviations may be

Complete convergence of the edges of the wound with a qualitatively performed tooth extraction normally occurs in 2-2.5 weeks. Simultaneously with epithelialization, the formation of bone beams and the development of young bone occur.

As a rule, the convergence of the edges of the gums above the hole occurs within 2.5 weeks after tooth extraction.

With a traumatically torn tooth (when the surrounding tissues are crushed and torn), the healing of the gums stretches for a long time, because after the removal there is a laceration, the edges of which are often far apart, and the sections of the alveoli (bone) and the inter-root septum gap, not covered by the gingival margin. When tissue inflammation occurs in and around the well, the edges of the wound do not come together for a long time and the epithelization does not complete after 2 weeks, but may take 30-50 days.

Only after 4-5 months, the formation of young bone tissue is completed, and the final version of the gingival “cover” is formed over the hole.

The photo shows an almost completely healed gum.


What can be dangerous prolonged healing of the gums after tooth extraction

As a result of attaching the infection to the wound, alveolitis can occur - inflammation of the hole after tooth extraction, which usually develops already 1-3 days after the procedure. In this case, acute pain occurs in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, the normal healing of the hole is disturbed (an unpleasant putrefactive breath is often also observed).

The result of a purulent inflammatory process is the long healing of the gums, which, in addition, determines the risk of developing a serious complication - limited osteomyelitis of the jaw.

Of particular danger is the long healing of the gums against the background of infection after extraction of the lower wisdom tooth. Since the lower teeth of wisdom are surrounded by soft tissues with abundant blood supply, bacteria entering the wound after simple or, especially, complex removal can lead to serious consequences, up to spreading the infection deep into the tissues. Infection of the jaw and periomandibular areas against a background of reduced immunity can lead to life-threatening abscesses and phlegmon.

With complex extraction of wisdom teeth, severe trauma to the soft tissues surrounding it often occurs ...

Odontogenic phlegmon is a serious complication that occasionally occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth.

The extreme expression of these complications is sepsis - infection of the blood with pathogenic microbial flora, which may well lead to death.


Diseases during and after removal

For the normal healing of the gums in the future, an important role is played by diseases that a person may have at the time of tooth extraction. For example, with prolonged use of blood thinners, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, which are accompanied by poor coagulation, bleeding from the well may occur for a long time after the procedure. Sometimes the blood may not stop for more than a day.

With poor blood coagulability, very prolonged bleeding from a tooth hole is possible.

For normal healing of the gums, it is necessary to stop the blood as early as possible in order to form its clot, which plays an important protective role for a fresh wound. After the tooth is pulled out, it is the presence of a blood clot in the hole that most effectively stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues.

From the practice of the dentist

A couple of years ago, patient I., 62 years old, turned to me about the removal of the lower central incisor, which had high mobility. After a simple removal within 1-2 minutes, I performed a classic stop of bleeding by pressing a gauze swab to the hole, made recommendations.

The next day, the patient again turned to me, already about the non-stop bleeding from the hole. It turned out that he withheld from me the fact that he was taking anticoagulants of indirect action, that is, drugs that “dilute” the blood, so stopping the bleeding at home did not bring any result.

After filling the hole with hemostatic agents and temporarily canceling these drugs with a cardiologist, the problem was solved.

Dental surgeon Ivan Sergeevich, Anapa


How to speed up the healing process of the gums after tooth extraction

To understand how to effectively accelerate the healing of gums after tooth extraction, one should recall the conditions for the normal healing of living tissue in general.

There are several ways to speed up the healing process of the gums after tooth extraction ...

The most favorable option for wound healing is to create the most sterile conditions. Naturally, the concept of “sterile” is only very conditional here, since the destruction of all bacteria (both beneficial and harmful) can lead to negative consequences, for example, to dysbiosis in the oral cavity, which affects the general human health. In order not to cause damage to health, but to provide the socket with comfortable and not long healing after tooth extraction, both general and local methods can be used to prevent secondary infection.

There are certain rules, the implementation of which will allow the gum to begin to recover successfully in the next few hours after the tooth extraction procedure:

  • Tightly hold a gauze swab placed by a doctor in the hole after removal with your teeth. The pressure on the edges of the wound, and not the time, is important, although the average retention period is regulated and is 15-20 minutes.
  • You can not eat for 3 hours, and it is advisable not to drink, so as not to disrupt the formation of a blood clot in the hole.
  • Do not smoke and take alcoholic beverages, spicy, hot and solid foods in the first days after removal. Fulfillment of this simple rule will protect the “blood plug” from injury, and the hole from repeated bleeding and purulent inflammation.Sometimes the cause of complications is the patient’s smoking after tooth extraction.
  • You can not engage in heavy physical labor, sports, go to the bathhouse, sauna, sunbathe in the sun and overheat for several days (for the same reasons).
  • If possible, within two days you should not chew or sleep on the side of the jaw where the tooth was removed.

To speed up the healing process of the gums after tooth extraction, you can use local methods of care for the hole. The most popular among the options used are rinses, although a number of doctors warn about possible harm to a blood clot. The fact is that some patients mistakenly start rinsing with anything: soda, salt, vodka, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Who is much more than that.

If you decide to rinse your mouth, then do it very carefully so as not to wash the protective blood clot from the hole.

Sometimes such methods are not harmful only by a lucky coincidence, but more often wound irritation and blood clot destruction occur, which not only does not accelerate the healing process of the gums, but also significantly lengthens it, bringing additional pain and suffering to the follower of such folk methods. It also happens that such a mockery of one's own health leads a person directly to the operating table.

Generally speaking, even rinsing with infusions, decoctions of herbs and pharmacy solutions, approved by most dentists, causes a lot of controversy regarding the start of rinsing, the frequency and duration of it. Dental surgeons have their own opinion on this, because if you rinse from the first day of tooth extraction (mainly after eating), this will prevent the accumulation of food debris in the wound and its decay, but can lead to the separation of a blood clot during an intensive gurgling ”in the mouth of a decoction of the same chamomile or sage.

A decoction of sage leaves will help to maintain the injured gum in its pure form and prevent it from festering.

Based on the position of common sense, you can use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage), pharmacy products (a weak solution of furatsilina and chlorhexidine), after consulting with a doctor, and use only after eating, very carefully and without fanaticism, especially in the first two days after tooth extraction so that the healing of the hole is comfortable.

Chlorhexidine solution is an effective antiseptic.

Dentist Opinion

My position regarding home rinsing with solutions after tooth extraction To accelerate the healing of the gums, it is simple and understandable to everyone, since it has a logic and scientific justification under it. On the first day after removal, do not rinse, but confine yourself to oral baths. That is, it is not recommended to rinse your mouth, but rather hold an antiseptic in your mouth and spit it out, and so repeat for 2-3 minutes, at least 6-8 times a day.

In my practice, I do not prescribe furatsilin, since, firstly, it must still be able to be diluted to the desired concentration so as not to cause irritation in the oral cavity, and, secondly, it strongly dries the mucosa.

Decoctions of chamomile and sage are excellent for oral baths on the first day of tooth extraction, and later for rinsing after each meal. However, this is an excellent budget option, and modern means for the prevention of suppuration of the hole are antibacterial drugs, ointments, and gels for topical application.

Dental surgeon, Oleg, Moscow


For topical use in order to accelerate the healing of the gums after tooth extraction, the dentist-surgeon may prescribe the Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste, Metrogil Denta gel or other drugs.

Dental adhesive paste Solcoseryl accelerates the healing of the wound surface of the oral mucosa.

With complex removal of the wisdom tooth, with tooth extraction due to serious purulent odontogenic processes in the surrounding tissues and jaw bone, as well as in debilitated patients, additional antibiotic therapy is prescribed, most often with antibiotic preparations, since they can reduce the microbial load in and around the wound as a result of which the gum does not heal for so long.


Useful video about alveolitis - a serious complication that sometimes occurs after tooth extraction


An example of how a tooth breaks during an extraction procedure


On the record "How long does the gum heal after the tooth extraction procedure and is it possible to accelerate its healing" 280 comments
  1. Sergei:

    Why are such terrible photos added to the article, horror ...

    • Alexander:

      It’s good that the photo was added.

    • Efgen:

      What about the article? Not about pollination of stamens and pistils.

    • Love:

      I agree with you, it’s already difficult to concentrate on reading the article, and now it has become scary to go for deletion.

    • Anonymous:

      A very useful article and photos are relevant. I would also add a photo with the healing of the hole by day, after the removal of different teeth.

  2. Helena:

    Hello, Doctor. A week ago, the lower tooth was removed, but the wound comes to life badly and constantly feel pain. I went to the doctor a second time, he said that everything was in order and you just need to rinse with salt. The pain persists, I stopped drinking painkillers, as I began to feel tired. Please tell me, can I use an ointment for quick healing without a doctor’s recommendation? I am now in Italy and I have no one to consult. Thanks.

    • Alexander:

      Rinse with salt? Very smart! Good doctor! Salt will irritate the wound and mucous membranes. And rinsing is not necessary. Need a "bath".

      • Anonymous:

        Hello! Yesterday they removed my tooth at 10:30 in the morning, I removed the gauze cotton at 11.00. At 14.00 she ate (borsch and compote only), then only pairs, and I chew on the other side of the jaw. The tooth extraction site still hurts. I was recommended to rinse with salt, but I'm afraid. What should be rinsed so as not to irritate the wound? When will the jaw stop hurting? I will soon be in the hospital, after 1-2 weeks. I'm afraid ((

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! A number of dentists do not recommend rinsing the mouth after removal. This is especially true of soda-salt solutions, which are dangerous for leaching of a blood clot. Most often, if the dentist did everything right, the hole heals itself: without any outside intervention. As a last resort, you can use harmless oral baths with a natural antiseptic (chamomile or sage broth) with a frequency of processing the oral cavity up to 7-8 times a day. This will definitely not cause irritation.

          The more time has passed since the removal, the less likely you are to damage the blood clot and thereby damage the hole, causing its inflammation. A pain reaction is an individual characteristic that reflects the local inflammatory process in the wound area. The more effective and without the addition of a purulent infection the wound heals, the sooner you will feel comfortable.

    • Anonymous:

      In no case should you rinse with salt, since the salt holds moisture, does not allow the wound to heal and gives irritation. Rinse soda in warm water every 3-4 hours.

      • Lyudmila:

        After tooth extraction, the doctor advised me to add salt, soda and iodine to a glass of water, just not to gurgle.

    • Irina:

      2 teeth were pulled out at a time, I began to rinse with soda and salt - it got worse. I suffered for 6 days. In no case should you rinse after tooth extraction, it is better to drink nimesil - and the toothache will pass.

  3. Dmitriy:

    Photos are superfluous, that's for sure)) Surely those who have just had their teeth removed should not look, and the article is addressed to these people.

    • Alexander:

      What are we gentle

      • Anonymous:

        Photos are necessary, and if someone cannot stand their appearance, then you should not talk about it.

    • Anonymous:

      Nothing extra. Pictures are ordinary. The removal location also looks like if you look. What's so terrible? Well, and sissies!

    • Michael:

      If you don’t like photos, why do you read at all? If you want to know nothing!

    • Anonymous:

      As for me, these photos should be in the places appropriate for these photos. Perhaps people will think and go to treat their teeth on time, and not postpone until only the removal takes power.

  4. Ale:

    Yesterday they removed a tooth - read, rewinding the photo ... My head is spinning and sick to look at them, terribly.

    • Olga:

      All right! I’m not from a timid dozen, but nausea rolled up instantly ... The tooth was removed 6 days ago, the article, as I understood it, was just for people like me. Horror, extra pictures.

      • Kristina:

        I had a tooth removed yesterday, and on the contrary I would like to see such photos, because I wonder how it all looks. Photos are clearly needed in the article.

  5. Senior citizen from Asia:

    Photos are unpleasant, yes. Yesterday, the lower wisdom tooth was removed, apparently with a gum gap. The hole inside is black, and the smell is somehow chemically metallic. Prescribed antibiotics and vitamins, and rinsing with a solution of furatsilina. I read the article, and now in confusion.

  6. Galina:

    Two days ago, she removed a wisdom tooth, seen enough of these photos here and now she began to consider the healing of her tooth. I was alerted by bad breath today, I don’t feel any pain, but now some kind of plaque appeared on the site of the extracted tooth. I read on the Internet that, it would seem, such a plaque should appear, but here's the smell ... I'm afraid that the alveolitis does not start, and I can’t return to the dentist, as I temporarily left the city where I removed the tooth. Three days have already passed since the tooth was removed, I think that now it is possible to rinse the hole in the torn tooth with a soda solution or chamomile. tell me what to do to get rid of this smell?

    • Anonymous:

      Consult a doctor, anyway you’ll go for control in five days.

  7. Masya:

    Galina, I was also bothered by an unpleasant smell, and there was also a raid in the hole. Top eight. After 5 days, the smell went almost completely. Today, two weeks since I removed the tooth. The hole is still clearly visible, and there is also a coating. But nothing hurts and does not bother. The smell was wildly enraging, just awful. I just wanted to write that I had it too, because everything that was on the internet about the smell - they immediately write about inflammation, infection. Although in essence: I was fully afraid of brushing my teeth after removal)) A little concern is the slow overgrowth of the hole, because the lower overgrown is faster, as it seems to me. But since nothing hurts, I still won’t go to the doctor. Rinsed with ordinary furatsilinom. I do not know whether it is right or not, but it helped during the first removal) Good luck!

  8. Anna:

    Hi, I thought, suddenly a comment would be useful)) Unfortunately, I removed the wisdom tooth ... I didn’t treat him wisely, it went bad, giving the signal to carefully monitor the others.In short, the doctor said on the first day not to rinse categorically, try not to drink a lot, do not eat for 3 hours, and for 3 days I prescribed 2 tablets a day, it is against pain and viruses. Also rinse with chlorhexidine 5 times a day ... And the tablets are also antiviral. And all, to be honest, I was safe, because for the first time, the tooth was removed by the molar, and instead of rinsing it simply kept on the gum, was afraid that the blood clot would not disconnect from the hole, since everything heals well. Now the rest of the food in the gums is bothering. I don’t want to climb with a toothpick, but not everything comes out with a rinse. It is hoped that nature has foreseen this, and the remnants of food somehow push themselves 🙂

  9. Natalya:

    10 days ago I removed two lower teeth (one of them is wisdom). Days seven anesthetized with ketorol. I went to the doctor, she did not like the smell in one of the holes, she washed the hole and put an antibiotic there. It was forbidden to rinse strictly from the day of removal.

  10. Andrew:

    Photos are what you need. I’m straightforward (in a good sense of the word). 3 days ago, the tooth was removed, the clot was covered with this white garbage (fibrin), it stinks terribly, and I want to remove everything from the hole and rinse ... But I know, you can’t. I look at the pictures and enjoy how everything is clean in the hole, and I smell like a garbage can, and brushing my teeth does not help, the smell is from there and the sensations are unpleasant, as if yesterday I was drinking vodka, beer, wine, champagne and brandy. In general, in Russian, “cats in my mouth pumped up” - more precisely, one cannot describe my feeling in this situation. I can’t wait to see the end of the second week, when it will already be possible to calmly peel everything off and clean it with a toothbrush normally.

    P.S. There is no pain, even on the first day there was no pain, but the stink just disarms ...

    • Anonymous:

      Here, I am amused - thank you, laughed excitedly. The first tooth was removed, seven from the bottom with pulpitis, crumbled. Today is the fifth day, and you can laugh, but howled. I didn’t “smell”, I make baths with sage, chamomile, furatsilin. In the cheek, however, something is riding and having caught a cold, I have been drinking antibiotics for five days. Good luck to you! Write so much more fun!

    • Dia:

      Good comment! The first one who did not reject the pictures.

  11. Asya:

    The pictures are correct, we must know how everything happens 🙂

    • Anonymous:

      Still would upload photos, how heals by day after removal, it would be nice.

  12. Laixiang:

    Three days ago, a tooth was removed from the bottom right, it is called 46, fragments remained. I went to the duty officer, he pulled them out for me and put some painkillers, some herbs there, or something, I don’t even remember the name. Now it hurts a little, but something else bothers me: I have green there on the side closer to the tongue, and a little on top on the gum where the tooth was removed. Maybe someone came across what it could be? While I’m afraid to go to the doctor, they removed it very painfully and for a long time, and no matter how it pulls there.

  13. Hakamada:

    People, this article describes such possible scenarios after removal that even the most daring person becomes scared! Follow the doctor’s recommendations and don’t try to use various kinds of medicines and herbs to treat and rinse your mouth, if the surgeon has not prescribed it to you after removal! You can only make it worse.

    A week ago, the wisdom tooth was removed on the lower right and 4-ku, also on the lower right. The wisdom tooth was difficult to remove because was not erupted by any means. So, after removal, the doctor prescribed antibiotics, an anesthetic and pills so that the gum does not swell - this is within 5 days. And still for 4 do soda baths. Everything heals wonderfully! Therefore, listen to a doctor and do not read scary articles on the Internet)) The Internet is a big dump. All healthy teeth))

  14. Igor:

    Commentary on the video: he did not delete it, but broke it and left the roots inside. Poor woman!

  15. Oleg:

    Yes, generally tin, today went to remove the tooth. Tough in general, such a nervousness.

  16. Ilya:

    A week ago, the lower eight was removed, three injections were made and the tooth was loosened for an hour, and the gum was cut. For two days I drank a nise from pain, on the second day my jaw was swollen. On the third day, it almost did not hurt, the tumor did not increase, but blood constantly flowed from the suture. I drank two plates of Decinon tablets from bleeding, got an overdose, acrid perspiration appeared on my face, which strongly pinched my eyes. And there was a lot of saliva, a full mouth was typed in 5 minutes. I slept for three hours a night. I drank a liter of beer, which is prohibited.

    On the third day, after reading tips on the Internet, brewed sage with chamomile and began to make baths. The threads resorbed, the blood clot was washed off, and the suture on the gum fell apart in half. The doctor for a long time clicked his tongue and shrugged, immediately after removal, she strictly forbade anything to rinse at all. The collapsed suture did not begin to be touched, she injected an antibiotic into the gum for prevention. Two days warmed up by a laser in dentistry.

    On the fifth day, bleeding from the gums ended, the pain and swelling completely disappeared. Fleece in the hole began to soak, the seam to heal. The first time I had a good sleep, I didn’t even go to the doctor, because nothing hurt, but really wanted to sleep.

    Now is the sixth day, the fleece has already decreased by half, and what is behind it is not clear, some kind of emptiness. I don’t eat anything, because now the food will go into the hole itself. I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow, but everything seems to be fine, nothing hurts or bothers, only my jaw is tired.

    For a week I ate ground soup with meat only on the third day, immediately a liter. From the third day I drink juice and milk. Lost 6 kg of weight worn before removal on the advice of a doctor. I really want a cutlet, and not one, but for now I endure it. Spent four rolls of toilet paper for wiping saliva, two pillows and three sets of bed linen. Smoked from the day after removing the cigarette without a filter, the doctor scolded, but do not care.

    In general, without the Internet, it would heal better. And then after each article I diagnosed myself with different alveolitis and dry holes, ran to crush pus from the gums and rinse with sage and chamomile. Strictly listen to your doctor and focus on pain after a couple of days. If all is well, then the pain will decrease, if it will increase, go to the doctor right away.

    • Svetik:

      You had garbage because you drank beer, smoked and suffered garbage, adding problems to both yourself and your doctor. And the Internet has nothing to do with it.

    • Anonymous:

      I haven’t laughed like that for a long time!

    • Homo Sapiens:

      Not the Internet interferes, but dystrophy of the interaural ganglion.

    • Arina:

      Laughed until you drop!

    • Larisa:

      Ilya, you are just lovely! Would you try to write humorous stories? For the rest of my life I remembered how I treated my teeth))

  17. Alexandra:

    She removed five teeth at once - almost a feat! There was no pain right away, but then there was an nasty whining, he saved him. Four dragged on for ten days - but one does not want something. I always held a decoction of oak bark in my mouth: the decoction is an antiseptic, has an astringent property and completely kills the bad breath. And most importantly - inexpensive!

  18. Juno:

    After removal, decinone was also prescribed, but it turned out to be weak. Therefore, you have to take tranex, 2 hours after removal, to stop the blood flow. 6 tablets per day. Wisdom teeth are a test for a person, especially if there is more than one retinent, but several. It is really impossible to rinse right away, baths with Vivax balm were prescribed, and brushing your teeth with Vivax paste. It really hurts ...

  19. Anonymous:

    Four days ago a tooth was pulled out (36). At night the pain began. And the hole was covered with plaque.I went to the doctor, they said that everything was fine. But the pains bother me And the hole is yellowish, the pit is deep. And today, from this side, where the tooth was pulled out, the ear hurts.

  20. Tatyana:

    Almost a month has passed after tooth extraction. There was a bridge, one tooth broke under it, the crown fell, the tooth (its remains) had to be removed. Now we need to restore the crowns. But the doctor says, until the gums become normal (does not recover in height?), You can not continue. And in such a terrible state, you have to walk so far. The feeling is that the "recovery" will take more than one month. So what to do so that soon everything is “aligned"?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Tatyana! Unfortunately, not every dental surgeon can remove a tooth so that healing is faster. Gentle removal allows you to reduce the recovery time, but in any case there is a certain criterion for the time and condition of the hole so that the “prosthetist” can begin his work on restoring the dentition.

      The final design of the hole, suitable for prosthetics, can take place within 3-4 months, but often the orthopedic dentist begins earlier. It is impossible to accelerate not the most successful removal after 1 month. However, in many clinics there is such a “bonus” as temporary prosthetics. The client first of all always needs to have at least some aesthetics before setting up a “bridge” or other construction. Therefore, temporary structures are made until the wells are completely restored. I think that in your case there is no sense once again to “shred” the healing hole (somewhere in stage 2), and to make temporary prosthetics. The main thing is not to get used to the “beautiful” and not to refuse further permanent prosthetics, otherwise there is an opinion among patients that “nothing is as permanent as temporary”))

  21. Indira:

    After reading the comments above, I calmed down - it means that I'm fine. Three back removed the tooth, the top seven. They didn’t hurt it, but for a long time, it was big with 4 roots. Sawed into 2 parts. They pulled out for a long time, some of my roots are curved, pull the horseradish out. As a result, the gum hurts and the floor of the palate is red, so they pressed. What a kapets hole, I was terrified - how did she heal? And now there is a clot with a white coating. And I was worried that it was pus. Uhhhh

  22. Natalya:

    Please tell me pulled out a tooth next to the wisdom tooth 4 days ago. The pain does not stop, the wound does not fester. Pain - why doesn’t she leave? So already tired.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Natalia! Pain syndrome is an individual reaction against the background of a local inflammatory process. If an infection joins, then the pain is more acute and maximizes the patient’s attention to see a doctor and to “clean” the hole. Unfortunately, you did not describe the nature of the pain. In general, the absence of other signs (smell from the hole, temperature, swelling, etc.) is not bad, and pain is a loose concept.

      Explain: do you mean pain while chewing, when touching the gums, or, nevertheless, a constant aching that does not go away for hours? If you have pain while chewing, this is quite normal, as the hole should recover, especially in cases of complex ablation.

      If there is a prolonged aching pain that makes you drink painkillers, it is advisable to consult a dentist for help and undergo a forced hole curettage under local anesthesia. In some cases, additional agents having a bactericidal, antiseptic and even analgesic orientation can be installed in the hole.

      If you have everything within the normal range and there are no signs of complications during and after removal, then you can just wait, following exactly the doctor’s recommendations for well care.

      At any time, the pain may decrease or disappear.The main thing is that you do not have the case when there is some adjacent pulpitis tooth. This is rare, but it happens: a badly damaged tooth is removed, and the sharp pain was from another, which was even possible to treat right away. So it is advisable to consider each case in the doctor’s chair and with the most detailed story about the medical history.

      • Elmira:

        Hello. Please tell me why the place of tooth extraction in the lower jaw has not healed for 1.5 months already? Cleaned 2 times. There were shards. I took electrophoresis, but does not close. Help me please.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! After complex removal and against the background of traumatic revisions of the wound, the hole can heal for a long time: from 1-2 months to 3-4. It is required to clarify the circumstances of the medical intervention and the nuances of the medical history. Everything is important here: from age to the state of blood. For example, in old age, the hole heals more difficult, with some diseases - the same problems. A complete blood count might shed light on some circumstances. However, it is best to determine the true causes after the survey and examination directly in the dentist's chair.

  23. Helena:

    The upper tooth was removed 2 weeks ago, the cheek was swollen. On the 3rd day I went to the doctor, they cut him, the pus came out, but the pressure rose, which was not there before. I drank antibiotics ... My cheek seemed to be asleep, but after a few days it began to swell again, and the hole did not heal.

  24. Natalya:

    I removed a tooth a week ago. The hole was delayed, but it still hurts a little. But a terrible smell. Do I need to see a doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Natalia! I think that we are not talking about alveolitis - inflammation of the dimples. Here your situation is more than banal: against the background of a wonderful “food collector” in the area of ​​a healing wound, the remnants of food rot. The smell from inflammation of the marginal gum can be added to this, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, if at that time you already had one or another stage of gum inflammation.

      Many people on the background of bleeding gums have bad breath, and the removal only provoked an aggravation of the gums in the zone of the hole + turned this area into a focus of food accumulation.

      You can undoubtedly go to the doctor, but for your part, you should carefully consider oral hygiene. It is impossible to provide complete hygiene without brushing the teeth adjacent to the well (especially since more than 7 days have passed). Processing with anti-inflammatory gels for gums (after consulting a doctor) reduces regional inflammation, and rinsing with “folk” antiseptics (chamomile, sage) after eating will reduce its delay in the healing gum and significantly reduce the intensity of an unpleasant odor.

  25. Dusya:

    Hello! I am 54 years old. Removed the two upper incisors. One of them crumbled, pulled out piece by piece. I drank vodka that evening. Three weeks have passed. Gums almost healed, signed up for prosthetics. I’m probably very strong and healthy.

    • Gavrila:

      I drank vodka that evening. I can’t stop for 3 weeks, I drink everything. And the teeth themselves will heal. I am strong and sleepy. More vodka - and everything will be fine!

  26. Ivan:

    Only an hour ago the wisdom tooth was removed, the lower left ... It was very deep, I had to saw a bone. They could not be removed for a long time. Anesthesia did not take me, cried from pain, like a child ... The last time I cried like that, when one of my relatives died. Horror, I really want to smoke, at least an electronic cigarette! Maybe there is a way in which you can still smoke and somehow protect the gums? For example, put sterile cotton wool during smoking, then rinse your mouth?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Ivan! The technique of anesthesia on the lower jaw is difficult for a number of specialists, and the selection of anesthetic also affects the sensations.I am sorry that some factor determined your suffering, although at the moment, almost 100% of removal is without pain or with minimal sensations.

      I think that you can already boldly smoke, although it is immensely harmful, but that’s not the point. During smoking, a vacuum can be created that provokes new bleeding from the hole. Blood clot disorders are not the best option because you are losing your natural biological dressing.
      Several studies have shown that smoking indirectly affects the state of the circulatory system, which can also trigger bleeding. As far as I understand from the data of studies and the opinions of doctors: smoking is not the biggest trouble for a healing hole, no matter how individually it affects negatively the microprocesses in the blood and the healing stages.

      The habit itself is terrible.

      It is not worth closing the hole when smoking ... It is advisable, on the contrary, to press the sterile gauze swab again with your teeth after smoking if the tightness of the blood clot is broken. An electronic cigarette also requires inhalation under pressure - which is not a risk.

      By the way, a number of doctors in the recommendations after removal do not have contraindications for smoking. Those who humanely adhere to smoking cessation set a time of 2-3 hours after removal. In a number of Western countries, one can hear a period from 2 days to 10. It has long been noted that this habit indirectly affects healing processes and general hygiene, therefore, when implanting, a number of clinics require smoking to be abandoned for 6-12 months, which many followed, so that later rejection of the implant is not attributed to the "cigarette", and the money would be thrown away.

      I wish you to give up smoking in a humane and affordable way!

    • Marmeladkina:

      Ivan, some dentists, unfortunately, do not know how to properly anesthetize, so the patient thinks that he did not take anesthesia. Itself so several times removed profit until it found "its" doctor. If you are from Moscow, I can advise where to go.

  27. Victoria:

    The tooth was removed, and the mouth should be closed immediately. And snatch with your mouth shut!

  28. Lusine:

    2 days ago, an inflamed tooth was removed. Removing was not painful. Then there was a lot of blood, and already on the 2nd day a blood clot formed in the hole. I was so scared and tore him up a little bit (quite a bit). Today I have slight pains, and the hole is covered with a white-yellowish coating. At first I was very scared that it was pus. I started to cry, threw a tantrum 🙁 But then I googled and realized that this was a natural process, and there was no temperature or weakness. I'm afraid that the infection has brought ... Tomorrow I go to the dentist ((

  29. Jana:

    Two days ago, removed the top eight. After the introduction of anesthesia, the mouth refused to open, and was removed through a half-open. After a couple of hours, the mobility of the jaw was restored, but the discomfort remained, as if blew. Or is it already from the gums? The first night I slept normally, and the second night in my mouth a terrible taste, it bleeds. I take paracetamol, do baths with miramistin.

  30. Anonymous:

    Removed (36) two days ago, today I look - a clot, a white coating. I thought, pus, digging, now again a hole, what should I do?

  31. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello! I think that you yourself understood that you “picked up” what is within the normal healing of the hole.

    Ideally, you need to see a doctor and, under local anesthesia, form a new clot during curettage. However, in practice, what you did with the hole most often does not lead to negative consequences. Especially if you pay maximum attention to antiseptic rinses. Since you now have an open, but already at the stage of active healing (from the bottom and from the walls of the hole) wound, now it is necessary that nothing extra gets there.It is best to use non-irritating and non-drying solutions for rinsing. You can limit yourself to decoctions of herbs (for example, chamomile or sage). But ideally, nevertheless, it’s quite logical to go to the dentist, and after examination he will give you a vector of further actions, depending on the external condition of the hole and gums around it.

  32. Novel:

    In you give, people)) We saw a little raid, crush faster, drink another liter of beer, the third puts his own diagnoses, well, direct doctors eprst))

    I was removed the 6th upper left, the removal lasted 5 minutes, only the root remained from the tooth. It was problematic with me, and they put a seal two times, could not stand it for a third, it split in poplars. I scored in the end, I crushed him with hard food and went around with him like that for about 2 years. Fluxes were periodically, it is understandable - access was opened for food, there was no seal. In short, all this bothered me and I decided to delete. They injected ultracain, waited longer for freezing than tore out. They stuffed tampons and cotton wool, or as they call it, a hemostatic sponge with a very bitter preparation. The first day I did not know what to do, I stupidly drank sweet tea in liters and chewed sweets, it was simply unrealistic how bitter. On the second day (today) bitterness has already become less, but still there, you can live without sweets. On the night of the day of removal, he drank lincomycin, such as he is an antibiotic. A clot formed on the first day, the blood stopped flowing 4-5 hours after removal.

    What we have: the edema was asleep (there wasn’t much of it either), there was a slight aching pain, and when you touch the gums, you also have it, but it doesn’t bother you much. There was a grayish one, I would even say a brownish coating, such as you know, when you soak a wound in a bathhouse or shower and it comes off your body, that’s the color (it’s always wet in your mouth, is that the color?). I feel good, slept like a baby. Prior to this, the flux tormented and plucked a tooth for 3 days, ate and drank after 3 hours. Just got drunk, because I ate badly in the morning, and sat in line for 4 hours, hungry as a wolf. He immediately wondered all the pies that the aunt passed on, pancakes that my mother baked, and blew out a whole pack of orange juice and went to bed)) I didn’t think of any alveolitis until I read, like you, in the Internet of “recommendations”. I was frightened, I also wanted to pick it up, a little straight hit the clot, and then it sounded in my head: “don’t go where you don’t know, let him heal yourself, go to the doctor to the edge”. So did. He removed the toothpick away, where are the thoughts about climbing in the hole, let SAMA drag on, do not interfere with the body doing its job!

    Conclusion: 2 days, everything is fine, eat, drink, copulate (however), drive a car, open my mouth completely (I can even sing), I am extremely pleased. I won’t touch anything. I drink while on the other side, so the dentist advised me to do 1.5-2 weeks. I don’t drink hot, I don’t eat hot, I excluded sour-milk products temporarily from the diet, as well as solid food (I moisten cookies in tea).

    I will unsubscribe in a week or two so that you know what awaits you, if you observe what the doctor ordered.

    Oh yeah, today I started making baths with furatsilin (I parted the pill in a glass), I felt some urine, but if I need it, then I need to do it (I just keep it in my mouth, DO NOT rinse) for a week, I'll take lincomycin for a couple more days, and hare. I do not want to plant a liver.

    • Lena:

      Hello! And for what reason did sour-milk products be excluded from the diet? Today, two wisdom teeth were removed right away.

  33. Anna:

    Today removed the bottom right. Everything went quickly, the swab removed after 30 minutes. Now I feel a clot and pain. I hope everything heals well.

  34. Novel:

    It's me again, 5 days have passed since the tooth was removed (see above). Antibiotic (lincomycin) finished drinking yesterday, I rinse furatsilinom morning and evening (I breed a pill). What about the gum: everything is normal, the hemostatic sponge or cotton wool fell out, a small depression remained in its place, the gum heals, a sore, whitish, appears.The edema slept completely, pains are still present, but they are inconstant and dull in the gum area. Bubbles, or something like that (about 6-10 pieces) appeared on the little sky above the torn tooth. When pressed, it’s not very, but it hurts, I suspect that it comes out either with the remaining pus (I had a flux), well, or the ultracain that injected there, I don’t know exactly what it is, not a doctor))

    In general, she feels well, has an appetite, I sleep well at night, do not torment pain. I will continue to rinse with furatsilinom and not forget to unsubscribe here, I can at least six months, until the gums are completely overgrown)) But I will not do this) Unsubscribe in a week.

  35. Pauline:

    A couple of years ago I was tearing out a wisdom tooth, the doctor put me medicine there, which completely closed the hole, and I was not afraid of any inflammation, I even overexposed it a bit, but everything healed perfectly. But recently I came across a flayer, who did not wait until anesthesia began to act, and tore my tooth. I didn’t put anything, I didn’t even give a consultation, how to care, I took the money and left the office. After 2 hours, I changed the tampon left by the doctor, replaced it with a gauze moistened with Chlorhexidine, and went with it all day, changed for the night. Rinsing on the first day is prohibited, so I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth slightly. The next day, I already used cotton swabs and washed slightly with Chlorhexidine, it is cheap and suitable for continuous use. The 3rd day, everything seems to be fine, the tooth does not bother at all.

  36. Novel:

    And again, I, part 3))

    3 weeks went, what we have: an almost protracted hole, the food does NOT get stuck, because somewhere around 5-6 days ago the hole completely, one might say, “slammed”. There is no edema and there wasn’t much, it’s already normal and hard - on the side where the tooth was pulled out. There is no pain, well, unless, if you press on the gum, it is understandable. Those pimples that were on the palate passed, and in their place appeared a white “skin”. In short, everything heals, the temperature does not bother.

    That's enough, I think) After a few months there, the hole should completely overgrow. I won’t unsubscribe anymore, well, if only something goes wrong. Good luck to all! Do not be afraid to remove teeth, it is better to remove than to suffer, like me, 2 years with fluxes.

  37. Vadim:

    Hello! 2 months ago, removed the top eight. The tooth grew completely in the gum, the edge of the tooth peeked out a little. Dentist filed a wound. On day 3, the headache intensified. After reading articles on the internet, he suggested that odontic sinusitis began. He went to the doctor who assured me that everything was in order and I was worried in vain. On the 5th day, the headache did not go away, he again turned to the dentist, who, after a thorough examination, found perforation in the maxillary sinus, removed the stitches, cleaned the hole, washed with chlorhexidine and put the solution with the medicine. After a couple of hours the pain went away, about a week later yellow mucus came out of the hole (drank a course of antibiotics). Then the hole “closed” and for two weeks everything was fine. On March 1, he grabbed a light virus, and a sharp exacerbation of odontogenic sinusitis went sharply, for 3 days headaches and toothaches, and the hole “broke through”: pus with clots began to come out. Again, a course of antibiotics (observed at the ENT specialist and another dentist, as well as at ChLH). Now (a month after the breakthrough of pus), a clean hole overgrows, but not the edges of the hole are pulled together, but fill the gum from above, perforation of the order of 1 mm in diameter remains. I treat with tampons with 1% dioxidine and close the hole with solcoseryl paste. Tell me, what should I do next - wait until the perforation is tightened by itself, do the plastic surgery, or is a maxillary sinusitis with fistula suturing required? Today, nothing comes out of the hole, but it is expectorated from the nasopharynx, periodically in a small amount of yellowish mucus. There are no discharge from the nose. After breakthrough of pus and washing of the maxillary sinus through the hole, there are rarely unpleasant pulling sensations in the bones under the eye.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Vadim! Regarding surgical measures: the go-ahead for plastic surgery and so on should be given by the maxillofacial surgeon together with the ENT doctor. Here it’s difficult for me to decide for the attending physician without examining you and the data of the images and (or) CT. It seems to me that if the problem continues to torment, then there definitely is no point in enduring the "pulling sensations under the eye." Another question is if your doctor insists on this expectation.

      I don’t know what your tactics are in life, but on difficult medical issues I follow the rule of opinion of 2-3 specialists to form a big picture. Without seeing you, in absentia I can assume that the plastic with the elimination of the infectious focus is extremely important for the future. However, the last word is for the doctors who will see you in front of themselves and get acquainted with the data of the images.

  38. Margarita:

    Hello! At the age of 14, I wore braces, as it turned out later, this is a useless exercise if you do not pull out the wisdom teeth or their rudiments. At that time, they were not even there, and it seemed wild to pull out the rudiments. As a result, by the age of 20, all 4 wisdom teeth have grown. Recently, the right side of the upper teeth was terribly sick, and it is unclear exactly which doubts were between 4, 5 and 6. Even after the pictures, they did not immediately determine that it turned out to be a pulpitis wisdom tooth with a large cavity on the inside, which is not visible. The choice arose to heal or to snatch. Given the fact that I’m thinking about putting braces again, I decided to do it today. I was lucky with the doctor, everything was well and passed well. There was a moment when he began to crumble, as he had rotted inside (at 25!), And they said that he might have to crush it. But, glory to the good powers, there were no such things. Here's the question - is it worth it to delete the remaining 3, because then you still have to do it by 30, 40. If one turned out to be rotten, then the others do not live healthy until sunset, and then it will be more difficult, plus they move other teeth into a heap, which increases likelihood of caries. Or, having read all the nuances of the procedure and healing itself - until it hurts, is it not worth it? The question is no longer in aesthetics (to put braces again), but in healthy teeth.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Margarita! In fact, your question is associated with a preliminary examination of the remaining wisdom teeth and, in general, the bite. If the wisdom teeth are incorrectly in the dentition (any inclinations, turns, movements, incomplete eruption, difficulty in eruption, etc.), then they must be removed even healthy looking.

      If this tooth has a place, and it does not differ from the neighboring tooth in its position, then such a tooth is removed according to orthodontic indications and with the development of the carious process: if it is impossible to save it by a dentist-therapist.

      However, in the wording of the question, you contradict yourself: on the one hand, you plan to put braces (“Given that I think about putting braces again”), and on the other - “The question is no longer in aesthetics (to put braces again) ... "If you plan to remove healthy and normally located wisdom teeth for prevention, then this is not entirely correct. Although you will find many supporters among professional maxillofacial dental surgeons who will be happy to remove any wisdom teeth for your money. Moreover, the justifications will be the same: “they break the bite”, “they make garbage from the mouth, as it’s difficult to clean”, “they will soon decay”, “they cause caries on adjacent teeth that fit tightly”, etc.

      My opinion is to first individually assess the oral cavity, correlate the possible risks of the wisdom teeth and then chop off the shoulder. When removing a wisdom tooth (especially from an amateur), you risk no less during and after the procedure. So, just by correlating the risks and seeing you personally, you can give the TS and a reasonable conclusion.

  39. Catherine:

    The 5th day after the removal of the “six” ... The tooth was under the crown, at first it was painful when biting and putting pressure on the tooth, after which there was aching pain. They took a picture, the surgeon said that it’s not entirely clear which tooth gives pain, because inflammation as if between the teeth. They removed the crown, sent home to drink nimesil. The next day, the pain intensified, a swelling appeared in the gum and cheeks, and was removed. It was removed for a long time, the anesthesia was not taken at all, the whole was weeping and it was very painful. In the evening, the temperature jumped to 39, the same pain. 3 days after the removal of the pain did not go away, the temperature in the region of 37.1 - 37.5, I started taking antibiotics, it seemed to the doctor. They washed it, put a preparation from algae in the hole, sent it on to drink antibiotics and rinse with chlorhexidine. The first day after washing, the tooth washing was hardly noticeable ... On the second day, the aching pain returned, the temperature was still slightly higher than 37. Today is the fifth day, we removed the algae, washed the hole, but the aching pain does not let go ((I begin to fear that the reason may be another tooth ... For some reason, they don’t take a picture for me, although I complain about the pain all the time, they say that everything is fine, everything will go away ... What should I do? ..

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Catherine! Doctors are not required to give the picture to you, since it is part of a medical document. On the other hand, you can safely go to another clinic and find out the true causes of the problem: take a new picture, get a consultation, proper treatment, etc.

      After removal, it can be anything: both fragments of the coronal part in the wound, and part of the roots, and granulomas not removed. In fact, at the moment, there may generally be a dry hole, or alveolitis in a relatively calm stage. Then you need to treat the wound and make it better still in the clinic, where they will take measures regarding your problem.

      Of course, I do not blame those doctors that they cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen. Perhaps they simply can’t tactfully explain to you that they don’t know what to do next. In all people, the body reacts differently to such interventions, and the holes heal differently. Problems are encountered, and in small "desks" - with enviable regularity.

      If I were you, I would end the treatment with algae, and I would speak with a competent maxillofacial surgeon who has established himself well. Talk with friends, family, friends. I am sure that the light did not converge on those experts, and the fear of something new is not justified. Since the hole can be sick for a long time until complete healing, or even become very festering.

      • Catherine:

        Hello. Thank you very much for the answer! Only I wrote that they didn’t “give” the picture, but didn’t do it again ... I understand correctly that if something remains, then can the problem be seen in the picture? Today is day 7, the tooth continues to whine. Moreover, the localization of pain is somewhere lower in the jaw, not at all where the gums are. Thank you very much for all your tips and tricks!

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello, Catherine! I accept your gratitude with gratitude. If the picture is high-quality, then it is quite possible to see the remains of the roots or parts of the tooth on it. In rare cases, images in different projections or options with visiography - translating the image to a computer, help. I hope that every day your dynamics will be positive. Recover!

  40. Svetlana:

    Hello. I read everything, but I did not find the answer to my question. On March 3, she removed a wisdom tooth that grew horizontally and under the bone. The operation was not easy - they cut, sawed, dragged, sewed, pumped out after losing consciousness (pressure dropped to 40/57). After much suffering (terrible fear), the tooth was pulled out, it seems, even entirely. In the hole put collagen, 2 pcs. I went for an examination for almost a month, and the doctor said that everything was in order.But now my doctor is on vacation, and on my lower jaw (under the place of removal), a bone (like a small cone) seems to have increased and this hard swelling descends from the lower edge of the jaw down to the neck. There is a slight asymmetry on the other side of the face if you raise your chin up. It doesn’t hurt, but when pressed there is a slight pain. No temperature. A week before, my voice disappeared and there was a red throat (I can’t cure pharyngitis from the fall, three types of antibiotics did not work). The tooth seems to heal normally, but the gum has not yet completely closed (only where it was sutured). I rinse with chlorhexidine (it feels like plaque appears from it), miramistin, rotokan, tincture of propolis, chamomile.

    Please tell me what’s wrong with the jaw? Could something stay in the gums and become inflamed a month later? What is that bump? Many thanks! I will wait for an answer.

    • Svetlana:

      I went to the surgeon on duty at the reception, took a panoramic picture. Everything seems to be in order, the adjacent tooth, too. On palpation, nothing hurts inside the mouth. Slight pain only on the outer lower side of the jaw. Asymmetry is now visible to the naked eye. The doctor said she did not know what was the reason. I sent an ultrasound of the jaw area, prescribed antibiotics for 5 days, rinsing, prebiotics. Please help identify what is wrong with me. I am very afraid of pain and the thought of a new operation puts me in a state of panic.

      I came across a photo with signs of mumps, very similar. Could it be mumps? I’m 31 years old, I didn’t get sick before. The temperature is held at 37-37.2.

      • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

        I think you should contact your local GP to rule out somatic illness. Mumps or "mumps", as far as I know, proceeds violently with high temperatures, but you do not have such an indicator. If the therapist rules out the disease, then feel free to go and do a CT scan. CT will help in all projections to see the problem area in the maxillofacial region, where the swelling and tooth extraction was. Along with CT, be sure to go to the dentist for a consultation, and it’s better to hear the opinion of several doctors. I am sure that there will be a specialist who can correctly assess your condition. Understand correctly that only after a comprehensive examination of you on the basis of a CT scan, external examination and in the oral cavity, palpation and comparison of the data of an adjacent specialist (district physician, as an option), you can understand what is happening to you. In other words, until an accurate diagnosis is made, treatment with the “finger to the sky” principle may not bring results.

      • Anonymous:

        Svetlana, my name is Alexander, almost the same problem as yours. Already a month and a half has passed after removal, but the pain does not go away, walks along the entire right side. Tell us, please, what was your reason?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Svetlana! I will not hide, but after any tooth extractions something can remain. It all depends on the professionalism and conscience of the doctor. The fact that there is no temperature is a good, but traumatically removed tooth, and even with errors, could lead to the fact that the edges of the alveoli or even the alveolar process of the jaw are pointed. That is why it may seem that a seal has occurred.

      In general, in fact, there can be anything: fragments in the wound, not removed root, the remains of fragments of the jaw bone, etc. I think that for objectivity it’s worth taking a picture of the removal zone and getting advice (in-person) from a well-established maxillofacial surgeon, but different. Without seeing you, and, excuse me, without "feeling" the swelling, it is difficult for me to assume anything: scary or not scary. A "bump" is a somewhat strange concept, so that it can be sewn in absentia to some kind of diagnosis.

      By the way, I can say that lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes, can also give the sensation of a bump under the jaw.That is why it is so important to analyze your general sores and the local healing process, so as not to do too much work. Sometimes it happens that healing has nothing to do with it, but some diseases leave their mark and disrupt the diagnosis of the true cause of the problem.

      • Svetlana:

        Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadievich! I sincerely thank you for the detailed answer! The therapist sent to the surgeon. Ultrasound of the submandibular region and lymph nodes did not bring clarity - the doctor said that everything was in the heap - it was not clear what exactly caused the edema. There is a bone defect of 0.2 cm, infiltration of surrounding tissues with spread to the parotid salivary gland (approx. 2.20 * 1.5) without a clear outline and the formation of an abscess. In a certain area, lymphadenitis (0 to 2.2).

        At the weekend I visited another surgeon, she said that the picture has a small white spot in the area of ​​the extracted tooth and that it could be a piece of bone or the like. I added Levomekol ointment to the gums 3 times a day to antibiotics, and said that she should stretch it if there was something left. I smear, but so far the tumor has not completely subsided, although the cheekbone has become much better from antibiotics. But there was some aching pain, passing from tooth to tooth throughout the jaw.

        Tomorrow I’m going to see the doctor who performed the operation. I'm terribly afraid.

        Thank you for providing invaluable medical and psychological assistance, explaining what to look for and reducing fears of the unknown!

        • Ev:

          That's how they always write, and then they don’t say the result. It was interesting to us.

  41. Alexandra:

    Hello! They quickly and practically painlessly removed the lower wisdom tooth, which was lying incorrectly and not completely erupted. After that they sewed up (they said that they wouldn’t come again and that the threads themselves would resolve) and sent home without giving any recommendations. Two days later I visited another dentist complaining of pain when swallowing and giving pain in the ear. The doctor said that everything is in order, the gums heal, you don’t need to drink antibiotics, you can rinse furatsilin to calm down. After rinsing with furatsilin, the next day it became easier.

    Given: fifth day after removal. And today I have completely absorbed the threads. The gum slightly opened at the seam, but the holes are not particularly visible. There is no pain, it is not painful to swallow, the mouth opens painlessly, but there is a periodically aching sensation and it still gives into the ear. Is this okay? Isn’t it scary that the threads have dissolved and opened the gum? On Monday to run to the dentist? Is this aching giving sensation in the ear, as a consequence of removing a wisdom tooth, is normal, or is it time to go to the ENT?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Alexandra! From the lower teeth (jaw) the pain radiates (gives) to the ear and not only. This is in the order of things - ENT will not help here. The consequence of removing a wisdom tooth is a surviving symptom that haunts you. I think that it is more associated with irritation of the wound during meals. For the fifth day after removal - this is more than normal, especially, the aching sensation is not a reason for panic.

      On Monday, you should not “run away”, but calmly turn to the dentist for advice. Most likely, your home treatment will be adjusted to you, or you just make sure that everything is in order and there is already little that depends on you in this context. Moreover, the sutures were applied (so expensive - absorbable) with the great goal of eliminating the large entrance gates of the infection and bringing the edges of the wound closer so that they would not impede healing. The fact that the edges began to diverge a little on day 5 is not critical, because the hole is now in full swing at the stage of tissue formation from your blood clot and the walls of the hole itself.

      I think that a dentist with a face-to-face consultation will be able to reassure you based on accurate wound examination data.

  42. Kseniya:

    Good afternoon! Yesterday I removed a wisdom tooth, everything seemed to be fine (slept well at night). Today in the morning a little pain began, and by noon the gums ached completely. I went to the doctor, said that everything was fine with me, and to relieve pain, apply Solcoseryl paste. Tell me, can I use it with an open hole? Thanks.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Ksenia! The Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste that you have been prescribed by your doctor is used on wounds to accelerate their healing. She does nothing wrong: she only stimulates the formation of collagen and accelerates the epithelization of the tissues of the hole. Formally, it does not anesthetize, but it plays the role of a protective medical dressing that prevents mechanical and chemical effects on the wound and its damage for 3-5 hours. It is this that indirectly prevents painful sensations. The paste itself does not relieve pain, but helps to feel better.

      In any case, I recommend that for any symptoms that bother you against the background of the removal, consult in person with your doctor, as the complete picture is created only after examination of the hole and diagnostic measures.

  43. Gulya:

    Why do neighboring teeth hurt after removing a wisdom tooth?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Almost always, after tooth extraction, adjacent teeth hurt, since they are in the immediate vicinity of the wound. The tissues surrounding the tooth have a certain connection with the hole of the extracted tooth, there is some degree of interaction. The pain radiates, sometimes not only to the teeth adjacent to the hole. The stronger the wound is smashed after removal, the more chewing will occur and the longer the feeling of discomfort in adjacent teeth. If you have serious suspicions on the basis of an unsatisfactory condition in your well or in the hole, it is recommended to consult a dentist.

  44. Svetlana:

    Hello, I removed the 36th tooth the day before yesterday evening, on the first day I could not stop the blood for a long time, there was almost no pain. Yesterday evening, after eating, the gums varied, throughout all these days I feel very weak, sometimes even nauseous. Today I went for an examination in the morning, the dentist said that the hole was healing, and was covered with fibrous plaque. I washed a hole from food and put a metrogil gel. Appointed at home to smear with chrysalis and metrogyl. But the fact is that my gums were different again, very noticeable. Is it possible from a metrogil? And in general, normal how long does the pain last after removal? Is weakness after removal the norm?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Svetlana! I am sure that you should urgently pass a general blood test and blood for “sugar”, as you should identify a possible pathology from the body systems. Against the background of this, or separately - will become clear later. If your indicators are too low (that is, below the norm), then you should obviously restore the body, look for a somatic problem, and then deal with the hole. Only an integrated approach will help in your case. I don’t want to comment on the appointments of the dentist, but I can warn you: if you miss some points of the state of the body, then it can badly affect not only healing. With a general blood test to the therapist, coordinate further actions with both him and the dentist. Health to you!

  45. Svetlana:

    A three-channel large tooth was removed from above. Let's go the third day. Today was at a routine inspection. The doctor said that everything was fine and put more medicine in the hole. I myself see that the edges begin to drag out and, it seems, nothing. Cheek droplet completely swollen, not noticeable. They said that this is normal, but I myself understand that it’s normal. But pain, pain and pain again. It hurts and hurts. Painkillers stopped drinking during the day, I drink at night to sleep at least. But it hurts, not ceasing.I eat almost nothing, mostly just drink, and from the food I’ve got baby puree, because nothing goes anymore. Endlessly pressing dull pain. When will it pass approximately?

    Still, after 4 days I’ve been removed from the same side, but at the bottom of the wisdom tooth (there it can hardly be seen from the gums). Is it possible to remove complex teeth with such a break? It’s scary to think how everything will hurt then ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Svetlana! I am sure that the inflammatory process in the hole continues to develop. Pain is, of course, an individual moment, but most often in the context of removal, it is the result of attaching an infection to the well. The body, of course, fights as it can. Pain is an indicator here.

      I would like to take a look at the condition of the hole and the image of the hole after tooth extraction. This is important for predicting and assessing the situation. As for the removal of a new tooth: if not an emergency option - do not remove the wisdom teeth for now. No one knows how sensitive it will be to you to have two wounds at once.

      As for the break: a break can be in 1 day, but each situation should be considered individually. Only in this way, removal and healing will be as comfortable as possible.

  46. Catherine:

    How long does the bone that has formed on the side of the gum after removing the wisdom tooth dissolve? THIS INTERFERES WITH PROSTHETICS. The upper denture is completely removable. Once I had this, and I had to file this education. I do not want to cut the gum and file again. Thank you in advance for your response.

  47. Catherine:

    By the way, why does this sharp edge of the hole from the tooth appear on the gum after healing of the hole? Maybe with age? Previously, when removing such consequences did not notice.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! A dentist simply needs to check (especially after difficult removal): are there any sharp edges of the hole. If the doctor does not have enough time for this, then the hole heals with a sharp edge, so the risk of injury is high. If the removal is carried out as accurately as possible, then a sharp edge does not occur. But in the event of a break in the wall of the hole or inter-root partitions, sharp edges begin to injure the healing gum. I think this is not about age, but about the features of tooth extraction and the doctor’s attitude to his work.

  48. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello! In fact, the question is relevant, but somewhat delicate. Formally, what prevents full-fledged prosthetics should be adjusted. What you have formed is most likely exostosis. Of course, this deformation can be “fixed” by time, but sometimes it takes a long time to wait, and up to this point you may lose the ability to use a prosthesis. If you don’t use it (it hurts), after a couple of months you don’t want to wear it at all. The sharp edges of the alveoli can “dissolve” for 6-12 months. I’m not sure that you should rely on any minimum time, so I recommend that you do it right away: correct the sharp edge of the alveoli. You don’t want to “cut the gum again”, and I don’t want to spoil the life of you and your prosthetist who simply cannot do quality work — you cannot wear it. In general, after the correction, it will also take some time to wait, but this is much less and obviously more promising than blind waiting by the sea for weather. Thanks for the question.

  49. Love:

    Hello! A week ago, the lower right wisdom tooth was removed. According to the dental surgeon, the tooth was very complex (it did not grow up, but sideways, to the root of the 7-ki). In general, removed, stitched. The process was painful and long - they tormented for about an hour. On the first day of removal, the temperature rose and lasted a day, until now there is an unpleasant smell from the hole. Yesterday I was at the doctor’s appointment, he removed the stitches and said that everything was normal.To my complaints about pain in the joint, constantly giving pain to the temple (the entire right hemisphere of the head always hurts from this), tonsils from the side of the torn tooth, terrible smell - said that it was normal and could be so painful for 2 weeks, because, again - The case was difficult and they tortured me for a long time. But this is not what worries me the most ... Today, finally, I saw after removing the suture that I had no clot. Just an open hole. And a terrible smell from her. Almost no raid. Just a gaping hole. This is normal? I follow the doctor’s recommendation - I regularly make chamomile baths. He didn’t write anything else to me. In this case, the entire right side in place of the torn tooth is very responsive to cold / cool / warm. Before the seam was removed, there was a raid (specifically: until yesterday), and now it’s just a hole, and there is practically no plaque. Please advise - is this normal? Maybe still use wound healing ointments? The doctor came across very young - perhaps just being reinsured. I would like it to heal faster. And then the eternal aching pain and reaction to temperature infuriates directly. I'm already tired.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! By all indications, you have an alveolitis of the hole or the effect of a "dry hole". This is not the norm and complicates the process of normal wound healing. I think that the doctor hopes that the immunity will cope. However, it is not clear why antibiotics, antihistamines, etc. were not prescribed. after a complicated and traumatic wisdom tooth extraction. And why the doctor did not refresh the wound under anesthesia in order to speed up the healing process and make it as favorable and comfortable as possible. Your reaction to the cold and warm is also a concern. I am afraid that the condition of the 7th tooth, which turned out to be close to removal, should be carefully analyzed. The doctor could accidentally damage the near-root tooth tissue, enamel, or even produce a subluxation of 7 teeth, using it under the support of instruments with excessive zeal. I think that it is worth contacting a dentist-therapist: let the doctor carefully examine the reaction to temperature, as this often comes from the “offended” by the traumatic removal of the seventh tooth.

  50. Lena:

    Good evening! They removed the lower right wisdom tooth and put there a drainage, “gum”, as the doctor said, and sewed it up. Please tell me if a blood clot forms there, does this drainage interfere, or should the clot appear after the drainage has been removed?

    And tell me how to use chlorhexidine for baths, clean or dilute somehow?

    And yet, here one of the visitors wrote that after removing the tooth, he had temporarily excluded sour-milk products from the diet. Whether this affects in any way the formation of a blood clot or the healing of the hole - I can only eat them so far. Thanks.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! For baths, 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate can be used as directed by a doctor. Usually 3-4 times a day for 20-30 seconds of oral retention.

      Drainage is placed in order to accelerate the process of "discharge" of purulent exudate, since wounds after tooth extraction may not be enough for this. A blood clot forms independently of drainage in the hole itself. If this does not happen, then the “dry hole” effect may occur, which reduces the healing comfort and its speed. The "gum" here plays a secondary role.

      Sour-milk products are excellent when prescribed by a doctor of antibiotics, as natural means to stabilize the intestinal microflora. Personally, I am not familiar with the data on worsening healing due to such products. I wish you a speedy recovery!

      • Anonymous:

        Thank you for your recommendations, Svyatoslav Gennadevich! I am doing baths with chlorophyllipt now, with chlorhexidine I have done only a few times (they said that they might darken or turn yellow teeth).

        I’m very worried about the stiffness of the jaw, I open my mouth a little, and then it hurts, I can’t get wider, I even have to push a cherry. I worry if I can then open it normally. I reassure myself that perhaps it should be so, since two teeth of wisdom, the top and the bottom ones, were removed at once, sutured ... Is this so?

        Regarding healing, there is aching, dull pain, mainly from below, sometimes pulsating, everything is tolerable, I do not drink pain medication.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! I have not heard that it is practiced to remove two wisdom teeth simultaneously from one side. Of course, that the level of trauma led to such consequences. Opening the mouth is sometimes difficult even when the “hood” of the gums hangs on the wisdom tooth. Moreover, after removing the wisdom teeth, you have a large wound that is interconnected with deep-lying tissues. I think that the pain will pass within 7-15 days, since the process of tissue repair in this area is not so fast. The main thing is that your condition is in relative stability, there is an opportunity to have a meal not rough food, and live without painkillers. Get well soon.

          • Lena:

            Thanks a lot! And one more question) When can I start active strength training so as not to damage the clot that I tried to save for so many days, how could I? And I don’t want to miss a visit to the hall for a long time, and I’m worse off doing it myself. For the same reason there is no desire to sunbathe. The seams will be removed the other day.

        • Anna:

          Good afternoon, I also have a problem with opening my mouth after removing four wisdom teeth at once. Please answer, did this go through with you, if so, what helped and after what time period did it open? I already have three weeks after the operation, a maximum of a couple of centimeters opens, although I try to stretch it with a clothespin and hands. I really look forward to hearing, I am already in despair.

          • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

            Hello Anna! I don’t know for what reasons 4 wisdom teeth were removed at once, but it’s too “cruel” to the patient. I don’t understand in what situation it would be necessary to urgently get rid (in bulk) of all the wisdom teeth. I’ve been working in surgery for 10 years, according to indications, I had to immediately remove 2-3 adjacent teeth (often moving), or 3-4 single-rooted teeth at once in different locations, but even two wisdom teeth in one day were not in practice.

            This is the decision of the dentist regarding you that created the problem of opening your mouth - this is understandable, since the zone of wisdom teeth (especially the lower ones) is loose tissue that has abundant blood supply and interaction with deep lying muscles of the maxillofacial region and nerves. Such chewing contracture is a consequence of an acute inflammatory process in the lower jaw against a background of global traumatic intervention. You are now using the principle of "help yourself." I can’t say anything bad, there are methods of therapeutic exercises to improve mouth opening in a short time. But it is better to have the exact algorithm from the dentist after the examination. If you do everything right + find the opportunity to attend physiotherapy to reduce the inflammatory process, then your mouth will open quite well after 1-2 weeks. I wish you to find a dentist who will supervise you according to this technique.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Thank you very much for your feedback. Physical activity, baths, saunas, tanning salons, beach, etc. are limited to only 3 days after removal. My personal opinion: it is best to refrain from training and sunbathing after complex removal for 5-6 days. As far as I understand, you have already survived this critical period. That is why there are no contraindications for you to return to your previous life. All the best to you!

  51. Ivan:

    Today they removed my tooth in a state clinic.For some reason, they didn’t tell about this clot, and after about 40 minutes, when I got out, I ate a hematogen, then a little chocolate, and drank some water, trying to wash my mouth a little with blood. And 1 hour 20 minutes after removal, I ate cottage cheese and canned tuna, while eating, I saw this article and regretted that it was so late. I still hope that the blood clot will remain there. I put ice. Tell me, can electronic cigarettes not be "soared" too?

  52. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello, Ivan! It seems that you are a positive person and prefer not to “bathe” about minor troubles in life, such as tooth extraction. Why is smoking impossible at all? While smoking, you create a vacuum in your mouth, which simply draws out a blood clot. That is, we are not talking about a 100% loss of a clot, but about the risks of only harming your health in this way. I must say right away that marijuana, legalized in 10 countries to ease pain by the “forgetting” method, is better not to use in Russia. But you can apply cold, not later than a day after tooth extraction. It is cold, and according to a special technique, so that frostbite does not occur. Ice in its pure form is harm to the skin and the risk of finding a doctor with another problem.

  53. Pauline:

    Hello! Tell me, please, they removed my lower wisdom tooth a month ago, removed it shortly, in 5 minutes. After a week, they cleaned the hole, after another 3 days they cleaned it again and made a blood clot and put the medicine in the hole. So a month passed, everything seemed to heal, nothing hurts, but some kind of red lump formed in the hole, there is no plaque, why is that? Is this normal or not? In other holes this is not.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The hole can heal in exactly the same way as in your case: the tissue in the gum region occupies an empty spot in the wound + normal epithelization occurs. In dentistry there is such a concept: “wild meat” - tissue proliferation of this type often causes questions from patients. A number of experts are inclined to believe that there is nothing wrong with this, although in a normal situation, the hole heals by simply bringing its edges together and gradually restoring the tissue base with the formation of a bone crest that is familiar to the doctor and patient, decorated with gums. This is the result of the restoration of the hole in 5-6 months.

      For an accurate analysis and to avoid errors, consult your dental surgeon for an examination.

  54. Nastya:

    Hello. Today they removed my milk tooth and said that it was a “seven-tooth”. What does this mean, what to do, how to treat?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Honestly, I don’t know what to answer. If you say, on your own slang, then the "seven" is a permanent tooth, but not milk at all. Dairy can be called like this: unit, deuce, three, four, five. All, no more. 10 milk on the upper jaw, 10 - on the lower: on each side from the first to the fifth. At 6 years old, a permanent sixth tooth erupts, the seventh ("seven") erupts at the age of 13-14 years. What does such a strange numbering mean in your situation - I do not know. I think that you misunderstood the doctor. And one more thing: I do not know your age in order to at least cling to something. But thanks for the unusual and unexpected question.

  55. Alexandra:

    Today they pulled out a tooth, the top 6, there was an inflamed gum, there, under the old seal, suppuration began in the canals, and off we go ... It hurts, but they pulled out at 11 in the morning, and the main thing that excites me is pus. They said it would come out, ordered to make baths with nimesil and chlorohexidine and drink ciprolet ...

    The main question is when the pus with blood stops going and this disgusting aftertaste disappears, which makes you sick?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! This process is purely individual, but the average period of suppuration is about 2-5 days.Usually, during this time, the evacuation through the hole or drainage system is completed and the body, so to speak, begins to actively heal the wound. If there was a serious purulent inflammation ("large flux"), then the doctor puts a rubber strip (drainage) for several days with its subsequent replacements. So it happens worse than in your case. Simply, you should do irrigation with drugs that improve the level of hygiene in the mouth and refresh (deodorize) the oral cavity. Consult a dentist regarding contraindications regarding the use of these products.

  56. Sergei:

    Hello, yesterday I removed the top six on the left. They removed it quickly, and it didn’t hurt, in about five minutes. Immediately after removal, the cheek is swollen. It hurt at night, but it was tolerable, and in the morning the pain went away, but the temperature rose 37-37.2. Edema also does not subside, but there is no strong pain. What to do, maybe they brought me an infection?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You currently have trauma symptoms + residual effects after tooth extraction with an “infection!” This temperature is due to the local inflammatory process, edema does not quickly “subside”, and time should pass - on average 3-5 days before complete disappearance. If the pain is almost gone - it means that the entire infectious process, which was eliminated together with a bad tooth, does not provoke in the well the re-formation of exudate (pus), which often forms painful sensations. Alveolitis (inflammation of the well) sometimes occurs only 3-4 days after removal, so now I can say that there is nothing wrong with the symptoms described. However, if signs of alveolitis appear, consult your doctor immediately.

  57. Lyudmila:

    A year ago, the lower tooth was pulled out, the hole healed for a long time, and the doctor hurried, called. Only two weeks passed, he put down the bridge, having grinded out three teeth. It was surprising that the first tooth was sharpened to such an extent that she doubted whether the bridge would stay on such a stub. A year passed, suddenly the first crowns began to stagger, and a week later the whole bridge was in my mouth. The dentist asked me to increase the collapsed first stub, but he removed it, and now said that he would put a removable prosthesis. As far as I understand, the dentist’s fault is that, as it turned out, the gums should recover after tooth extraction for 3-4 months. His second mistake was, I believe that the tightness was broken, and therefore the tooth was destroyed. There are no culprits, but I lost 3 teeth, five ceramic crowns of 10 thousand tenge each and plus, in total with the removal of nerves, I lost for 100 thousand tenge and remained with a broken trough. The conclusion suggests itself: going to the dentist is just losing your teeth, because, as a rule, a tooth is destroyed by 80% under the crown and only bits of teeth remain. And why are bridges on top of both sides, 15 years on the left, 13 years on the right. It turns out that it all depends on the dentist. It’s good that I came across these comments and learned a lot of useful things. And why do some doctors not immediately appoint even after removal of the soda bath (and I was prescribed with soda), so as not to wash the clot, while others have their own rules, and how black can be white?

  58. Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

    Hello! The fact is that it is important to comply with prosthetics technology. Naturally, it’s best to wait at least a month after the removal, but my friend orthopedic dentist sometimes surprises me with the fact that he waits only about 2-3 weeks and builds bridges, and I know his work since 2007 - everything is wonderful. I think that every experienced doctor has his own best practices and secrets. I can say that there is a list of important points that must be observed, otherwise it will have to be tight (all the caries should be removed from the tooth, the crown height should be correctly determined, the crown should be tried and fitted carefully, fixation, etc.). And there are additional factors - these are the very secrets from the developments.

    About rinsing after tooth extraction.Firstly, much is determined individually: the eyes of the doctor say that it is better to offer the patient after removal. So not black can be white, but the other is suitable: what is good for one is for the other - “death”. In other words, everything is individual.

    By the way, one reputable dentist who used the same technique for many years, considering it the most effective in treatment, recently abandoned it in favor of a less popular one at the time. He wrote in his blog where he advises patients: "Only a fool does not change his mind in life." The more experienced the doctor becomes, the clearer it seems. The power of experience is sometimes much higher than traditional techniques and the theoretical knowledge base obtained many years ago on the subject.

  59. Oksana:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadievich! After the removal of 3 teeth at once (lower jaw), she underwent surgery - exostosis. After 3 days, a language problem began: burning, sensation of persimmon, numbness ... It has not been a month already. The doctor examined the tongue, finds nothing, said that the reaction to anesthesia. Please tell me how long such feelings can last, because very unpleasant ... Regards, Oksana.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      If the damage was minor, or paresthesia was caused only by compression of the nerve, then the period is individual: for someone, restoration takes several weeks, and for someone it takes a year. You won’t guess here.

      That is, is there any critical period after which it is worth raising the alarm? So far, doctors have given a period of 2 weeks: they say what should pass, and it’s not worth the alarm at all. As I said, it will definitely pass. The only question is how long it will take.

      Paresthesia can occur even from anesthesia during dental treatment and be very persistent. I would rate this as an accident rather than a mistake. It happens. But passes. Almost always.

  60. Yuri:

    The right lower tooth of “wisdom” was removed. When they vomited, the doctor said that there was already pus under the tooth. Prescribed 5 days to drink an antibiotic - Augmentin, 875 mg. 5 days have passed, I see that the gum is inflamed, closer to the cheek, small food gets hammered into the wound (like a hollow) and remains there. Today I pulled out the remains of it (I didn’t read the article before), I don’t know if I did it right? I did not find a blood clot in the hollow, but since I used cotton buds (without reading the article), there was blood on them, I think I removed the clot. Is it formed again by itself? Or do you have to go to the doctor so that he looks? 5 days have passed since the deletion. Rinsed 2 times with chamomile and 1 time Colgate with tea extract (rinse liquid). I decided that I didn’t touch anything else - everything itself is “smart” and will heal itself. I will try to eat only on the left side of the mouth. Augmentin drank the course completely 2 times (morning and evening, before eating).

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I fully share the masculine approach, that is, I am for the option of “smart healing of the hole”. You almost survived the developmental period of the alveolitis, so it is not practical to wait for the effect of a dry hole. I recommend that you continue in the same vein - follow the recommendations, and the hole may be delayed without a clot in your case. Moreover, in the commentary I did not notice the presentation of complaints of pain, swelling or fever. Nothing that indicates alveolitis, no. Without a clot, many holes normally heal (mostly “male”), as there is less panic, more male behavior and a desire to be in the ranks as early as possible. If serious symptoms appear - to the dentist, and so - the implementation of recommendations. After a couple of weeks, the edges of the wound will tighten and only a narrow fissure will remain.

      • Yuri:

        Thanks for the advice. Is it better to get food out of the “hole” or will it come out by itself?

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! Do not “pull out”, but rinse your mouth. Since the primary healing has already been carried out, and from the bottom of the hole partially epithelized, rinsing can be carried out.It is better to consult a doctor about antiseptic rinses. My colleagues often prescribe “herbal” options (sage, chamomile), there are also modern pharmaceutical preparations. I think that after a personal consultation with a doctor you will find a suitable option, and to climb into the hole with foreign objects yourself is definitely harmful.

          • Yuri:

            Thanks for answers. The "hole" is slowly being pulled together. Still unpleasant sensations, but there is almost no pain, food still gets there. I hope it will be completely delayed soon. I went to the doctor, they said not to rinse hard, try to chew on the other side, be patient and wait - the process is proceeding normally.

  61. Tatyana:

    Removed 2 teeth: one 8, 2nd seven. 5 days have passed, there is no smell, no plaque either, the pain is weak, the gums are not swollen. How many days will the mild pain last and when can you rinse your mouth fully so that the rest of the food comes out of the hole?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Tatyana! Many doctors generally do not rinse after tooth extraction. My personal opinion: good oral baths for the first 2-4 days after removal. Next - the hole should heal without any help, if there is no special case. What do I mean: for example, complicated removal of wisdom teeth, a retarded tooth, removal against the background of periostitis, abscess, etc. I think, in relation to your situation, it is best to start rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or sage on the 7th day after removal. It is more expedient to discuss this moment with the attending physician, who is responsible for the operation.

  62. Kseniya:

    Hello. On August 23, she removed the retinirovannaya lower 8-ku, deep in the bone, with all the attendant charms. The doctor did not sew the hole, put a tampon with iodoform and said to take it out after 5 days. After the tampon was removed, bleeding opened. He was stopped, again being repaired, and everything was deleted after 3 days. The doctor said do not put anything into the wound, rinse your mouth with chamomile. But I am very worried about an open wound. I can’t eat normally, I close the hole while eating with a bandage (top, shallow), after I take it out and treat it with Miramistin. But today (2 weeks after removal) she turned to another doctor (because she left where she had the operation), and the surgeon told me not to put anything into the hole. That the food itself will be pushed out, and enough rinses! Also, the doctor was very surprised that the hole was not sutured (such deep ones always sutured).

    I am very worried that the food will fall into the hole and there will be a smell! And inflammation will begin. Is it possible to revise the hole, clean it, form a clot and sew it tightly, 2 weeks after the operation? And if it is impossible to sew, can Solcoseryl be used? And how then to lay it deep into the hole (I don’t get it, too deep, it turns out only from above and the hole seems to stick together, and again diverges to the sides during the day).

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that, after 2 weeks, it makes no sense to sew up, since the edges of the wound will not come closer qualitatively. As for Solcoseryl, it is better to consult a local doctor, as doctors are not allowed to give such recommendations in absentia (via the Internet). Your logic is close to me, but it is best to have a consultation in the dentist's chair. About rinsing - they are preferable after 2 weeks from the stage of tooth extraction. The wound is actively epithelized from the bottom of the hole, so after each meal I recommend doing this. Thanks for the question.

  63. Helena:

    Good afternoon! Exactly a week ago, they removed my wisdom tooth on the lower jaw on the right. The tooth was almost completely covered by the gum. The operation lasted an hour and a half. After removal, they sutured, but not on the entire wound, about half. Sent home, writing ciprolet for 5 days and painkillers. On the second day, swelling appeared, the cheek was square.On the same day, there was an examination by a doctor who said that everything was fine. The edema subsided almost completely on day 4, the throat did not hurt anymore, and in the area of ​​the lymph nodes it also became calmer. But the pain remains in the gums and ear area! I still drink painkillers. The temperature is normal. I can’t evaluate the condition of the hole, because because of the seven, nothing is visible, and part of the gum is sutured. How long can pain persist after complex removal? Are earaches normal? Should I go to the doctor or wait a little longer?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! According to your situation, you can assume anything: from pains against the background of a traumatic operation to the left fragments in the hole and even possible damage to a neighboring tooth (or coincidence - pulpitis of a neighboring tooth or even 6). It is difficult to exclude the latter without inspection and additional questions. Closer to 70-80%, it seems to me that just the pain syndrome proceeds against the background of the local inflammatory process in the hole, which continues with some compensation from the body. As for the duration of pain - all individually. Usually, up to 7-14 days there may be pain when chewing - the banal effect of gum irritation. Acute pain, which is difficult to stop with analgesics, is not the most typical option after 3-5 days even after a traumatically performed operation. I am sure that a doctor’s consultation is needed to clarify these issues.

  64. Svetlana:

    Hello. Today I got 36 removed with periodontitis. Removed for a long time, 2.5 hours. At the end, the doctor put cotton wool with paste in the hole, to taste it, as before the fillings were placed. By evening, she began to feel very sick from this paste. Tell me what should I do? Go to the dentist to get it out, or wait for it to fall out?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In my practice, such things happened when, according to an outdated method in this matter, I put anti-inflammatory and analgesic flagella or sponges in the holes after removal. For about 5 years I have not been conducting such therapy, since it is enough to fix the wound, as expected, and there will be happiness. But ... There are always supporters of this method of treatment, and success sometimes comes even in such situations. Another option is when, like you, many people don’t do this because of the nausea from the drug “impregnation”. Of course, many dentists have abandoned these funds, largely because of their effect on the comfortable existence of an already suffering patient. I am sure that it makes no sense to tolerate a drug not accepted by the body, but it is better to create conditions for her to have a well with anesthesia so that she heals without doping.

  65. Valery:

    Stupid, if not simply harmful article. Huge pictures with holes, pus, blood ... It’s absolutely useless for a doctor: a competent doctor gets knowledge at the institute, on the basis of many years of training, according to a special program (worthless to a “doctor” who gets his knowledge from several colorful photos and abstruse explanations of the process )

    For the patient, it is simply harmful: to the stress received from the operation to remove the tooth, instead of a calm, beneficial environment, colorful “horror stories” and elementary intimidations are added. Moreover, instead of elementary and competent advice on the care after the operation to remove the tooth (which, in fact, should be available on the open site), the author still has condescending and dismissive comments regarding the universally accepted professional medical practice and the advice of doctors on postoperative care: “The fact is that some patients mistakenly start rinsing with anything: soda, salt ...”.

    At the same time, the author, exposing a photo of medicines, is clearly and openly engaged in frank advertising of certain medicines.

    • Maya Anatolyevna:

      I do not agree with your opinion.The doctor is very intelligible, in a language understandable to a simple layman, answers the questions asked to him. Thanks to him for that. I’ve been reading for an hour, I’m interested. You do not like it - do something else.

  66. Adil:

    Hello, 3 days ago I removed the last tooth from above. Before that, they tried to treat him, removed the nerves, but the tooth hurt and swelling on the cheek started. The swelling went away only after 7-10 days. When the doctor checked, sticking a needle into the tubules, it hurt in one place, so he decided to remove the tooth. I did not find the cause of this pain. He removed the tooth; there was a difficult extraction. After the injection went away, that place very much ached, drank the pill - it passed. There is a clot, some brownish-grayish, the cheek is swollen enough. I can’t do it without pills, my throat and temple hurt, it gives to the ear and the lower and upper row of teeth hurts from the extraction side. What to do? Go to the dentist? Temperature 36.9. Bad breath. I'm afraid that the festering holes.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! With alveolitis, there may be radiating pain caused by an inflammatory process in the hole. Swelling of the cheeks and putrefactive odor also confirm the alleged diagnosis. In any case, you should definitely see a dentist and find out the exact cause of the pain. I do not recommend pulling and waiting for it to pass. Alveolitis is an insidious disease. It is much easier to treat it at the initial stages than when the exudate begins to "go" deep into the jaw. I wish a speedy solution to the problem!

  67. Daria:

    Hello. Almost a month ago, they removed my lower wisdom tooth. After removing the wound, it hurt for almost 2 weeks, there was no swelling and unpleasant odor, but the wound did not last until the end. Something white is visible inside, with my tongue I feel a deepening, there is no pain. Is this the norm, or do I need to see a doctor? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If there was a difficult extraction of a wisdom tooth, then the healing process is often delayed. The wound can completely close only after 2-4 months. As for white, there may be different options:

      1. Left in the well preparation;

      2. Contact with food having this color, etc.

      There are less popular versions, but the fact that you should seem to the dentist is 100%. So in absentia without inspection it is difficult to say something specific and to prescribe (if necessary) the appropriate treatment. Thanks for the question.

  68. Natalya:

    Good afternoon! Today is the third day that they removed my wisdom tooth below. The removal went very well. Anesthetized, removed quite easily, and the doctor sutured. I look in the mirror at the healing gum, except for the seams, nothing is visible, but if I press a little on the side of the gum, then it hurts a little. This is normal? I hope this is not a sign of inflammation under the sutures?

  69. Sergei:

    Two months ago, he pulled out 47 teeth ... The gums did not heal. Tell me how to speed up healing?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There are such means: drugs that improve trophicity in the gums and accelerate the regeneration processes (for use in dentistry). However, a specific drug is prescribed strictly by a doctor and always in person.

      I can also say that ultrafast healing cannot be obtained. You can help, but only partially, on average, it takes 4-6 months to fully restore the gums and bones of the alveolar process. And with regards to the gums only - 2-3 months to its expected form.

  70. Tatyana:

    Thank you for the article, and everyone for the comments. I tried to find answers to my questions in them, but I still ask here.

    4 days ago, a tooth was removed and a cyst was cut out with it, the tooth was removed for a long and painful time (it seems like it crumbled and had to be pulled out in pieces), then implants were installed. On the day of the operation, there was a hellish aching pain that could not be removed with painkillers. At night I drank a sedative and one more nurofen. Somehow fell asleep.On the second and third day, it began to swell, the pain became a little less, but you can not do without pills. From the third day I began to drink antibiotics prescribed by a doctor and dissolve Imudon. Now they are worried about a white coating on the hole, and yet this pain is aching (the tumor has slightly decreased). I would like to know if this phenomenon is normal - pain and plaque (I “wind up” myself a lot that it is not plaque, but pus, but there is no smell, it seems). The hole itself also does not hurt, it hurts so much the bone into which the implants were inserted.

    I will be very grateful for any kind of answer.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! With positive dynamics, it is difficult to suspect something bad. As for light plaque - it is often present during healing, and painful sensations after removal disappear within 4-7 days, sometimes 10-12.

      However, there is, of course, a reason for visiting the doctor who installed the implants. He must constantly monitor the state of the installed structures, since further tactics and the prospect of a positive outcome of all work depend on this. Thanks for the question.

  71. Catherine:

    Hello. I ask you to answer my questions: the fact is that a week ago I had a difficult removal of the upper 17. There was a perforation of the maxillary sinus bottom. I am worried about the question: can this (I mean a hole in my bosom) grow in a natural way? Maybe this can somehow be facilitated by certain treatments?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! And how did you understand that you had this complication? It seems to me that the dentist has taken all measures to eliminate the possible consequences. I will not go into technical details, but since you calmly ask this question, then during lunch you have soup, pasta, etc. do not flow from the nose, as is sometimes the case. In all seriousness.

      This means that if the doctor eliminated a possible variant of the consequences described above, the hole will heal normally (it is better that this happens under the supervision of a dentist). It is important to consult a doctor here in order to correct further treatment if possible.
      Bottom line: restoration of the well in the natural way with such a complication during removal, of course, is possible, especially with professional management of treatment.

  72. Alexander:

    Hello, a huge request to comment on my situation. On September 2, the lower eight was removed, the gum was cut, a piece of the jaw was cut off. The first five days I drank an antibiotic, about ten days painkillers. After, like, everything fell into place, but after 20 days I began to worry about the pain from the removal. The surgeon examined, said that either pulpitis, or the top eight, sent to the dentist. The dentist did not find any obvious pulpitis, he cleaned the caries and that’s all. This problem did not solve. The surgeon removed the top eight (after which there was a perforation in the sinus, a week passed with a tampon, it seems, everything is delayed), also by. The dentist depulped the lower six and seven, where caries was, again they did not guess. Five days have passed since the last manipulations, I continue to take painkillers in the morning and evening, I’ve been sitting on them for 20 days. I’ve taken a second panoramic picture - there are no fragments, the wounds after removal are normal. Tell me, please, what could be the reason for what to pay attention to? I am very worried that I have been taking painkillers for almost a month and a half.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Your situation is not easy. What is the best place to start: there are a couple of options that you can try together or individually. The first is to seek in-person consultation (preferably with pictures on hand) to 2-3 doctors in different clinics in order to get a third-party (independent) opinion. Now, you can’t even put my opinion on the list, because without seeing your clinical situation in the oral cavity, it’s hard for me to tell you something.The second option is to send me an analysis of panoramic images through the mail of this site (see the "Feedback" section). I would like to see a fresh panoramic picture with a new treatment and after all the deletions. Maybe they will shed light on the causative tooth. It seems that you have already done a lot of useless work, and it is undesirable to produce it further. Sometimes this happens with neuritis and trigeminal neuralgia, and teeth have nothing to do with it. The analysis of the images can confirm my guesses, or they will refute them and there will be a specific bad tooth.

  73. Helena:

    Good evening, in August, I removed the lower wisdom tooth, as there was pain in the reduction of the upper and lower jaw, the tooth was half covered with a pocket from the gums, and it turned out that there was leftover food and pus that caused pain. After removal, after 3 weeks the pain went away, but returned a couple of weeks ago, I can’t understand what is wrong again. Tell me please.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I would like to check the wisdom adjacent to the removed tooth in order to exclude the hidden carious process. Inspection of the hole for inflammation of the marginal gum would not hurt. Contact your dentist for advice - I'm afraid that without an examination it will be difficult to draw any definite conclusions. Thanks for the question.

  74. Helena:

    Good afternoon! Today (four hours ago), two wisdom teeth were removed on the right side. The operation was not complicated. The painkiller has passed, the pain is weak, the bleeding has passed. The submandibular glands increased slightly and hurt when pressed. The rest I feel fine. Hope healing goes smoothly.

    I have a stupid question. When can I kiss and have oral sex? Obviously, with an open wound in the mouth, it is impossible to exchange biological fluids. Up to what point to expect: before tightening the wound? Until complete healing?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I know many opinions of colleagues that kissing can be done after tooth extraction (or teeth) without harm to health. With a "fluid exchange" it is even an aid to immunity: in the event that you have a regular partner in whom you are 100% sure. As for situations when the partner is not permanent: I don’t think it’s worth even kissing the first comer without a proper certificate, at least for safety reasons, and after tooth extraction - especially, while there is an open wound in the mouth.

      My point is that with a regular partner (not contagious), with whom you have a long relationship, you can fully kiss 5-7 days after removal, when the active phase of wound healing is underway. If you develop symptoms of alveolitis (the hole greatly hurts, festering, swelling, dirty gray, putrid breath, temperature), then it is better not to kiss for your own comfort and, of course, partner’s comfort.

      As for oral sex: if you know for sure that your partner is safe in every way, then I recommend using a (temporary) condom. I think that 2 weeks with normal healing of the hole is not such a long time.

  75. Yulia:

    Hello, Doctor! I am worried about general malaise, lack of strength, and discomfort in the lymph nodes from the extracted tooth. Today is the 8th day when I removed a complex 8-ku. 2 weeks before removal, the gum was inflamed and gave into the submandibular lymph node, the temperature was 37.2. It seemed to the dentist, he said to rinse with salt and soda until the inflammation subsides. So 5 days rinsed, all the same the gum was inflamed. On the 6th day I signed up for a dentist's removal, but he said that while there is inflammation, you can’t remove it, drink Tsifran ST, a course of 5 days. I drank all 5 days, but in addition to the temperature of 37.2, which lasted throughout the entire Cyfran administration, my appetite disappeared and lymph nodes began to feel even stronger ((

    I went to the ChLH department in the city hospital, put in a hospital, appointed a ceftriaxone v / m. On the 3rd day of the course, the unfortunate eight were removed, the temperature all this time was 37.1. On the 7th day of the course - 36.6 lymph nodes, weakness began to be felt. They wrote out, despite my complaints from the general malaise and lymph nodes, they said that this is normal. Now I’m lying at home, I’m following the recommendations for caring for the oral cavity, but the state of weakness, weakness, sickly malaise and discomfort in the lymph nodes from the side of the extracted tooth is annoying ((It’s already 8 days since the removal. Well, why? ((

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that you were once again “promoted”, and you lost precious time on a course of antibiotics that turned out to be useless (instead of removing the causative tooth right away). Against this background, you may have the described condition. Reducing immunity can also be of great importance. Generally speaking, much could be affected here, even the stress that arose as a result of this delay in removal and home treatment while preserving a diseased tooth, as well as getting into a hospital - a situation that can drive any adequate person into a corner.

      After the operation (and tooth extraction is an operation), you have a state of gradual recovery of the body. A friend of mine calls such a situation a capacious word - "outcast." Personally, I think that you should check your condition with a local therapist, it is possible that you need to speed up the recovery by raising immunity, drink a course of vitamins, etc. This is all prescribed by a general practitioner. Moreover, you control the situation in the oral cavity at the dentist, I do not think that there may be a claim to his work.

  76. Severina:

    Good afternoon!

    Is it normal that after removing two wisdom teeth there is no pain at all, even after the termination of the anesthesia? Absolutely, it doesn't even hurt a little. In theory, the wound should somehow make itself felt, but here it is so strange ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You are very lucky, as many people experience certain problems after tooth extraction. In general, the absence of unpleasant symptoms after removal is the norm, an ideal option for healing. In principle, to remove 2 wisdom teeth, this could be called a rare case when everything is in order; there are suspicions that these wisdom teeth had certain characteristics that helped you find yourself in a normal situation. Although in my practice there have been many cases when complex extractions (not only wisdom teeth) neither on the first day, nor on the second, nor in the future brought the patient any inconvenience. So all that remains is to rejoice and wish the same happiness to people who have yet to remove their teeth when it is impossible to preserve them.

  77. Tatyana:

    Hello, Doctor! Four days ago, the top six was removed. I am 60 years old, and I decided to put my teeth in order - once again to clean, treat and finally prepare the teeth for the installation of crowns (some after repeated treatment had very thin walls). There was caries of the root in this seven, and I was advised to remove it, and then put the implant. I deleted it for the first time and was afraid, but everything seemed to go fine, it hurt only on the first day, on the second day no pain. But the doctor who removed the tooth said that the implant, most likely, could not be installed, because low maxillary sinus and not enough bone thickness, comforting that in a month you will see how the bone is restored. What needs to be done to maximize bone recovery - take any medications or something else? I have no calcium deficiency due to age.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I do not think that in your situation you can significantly accelerate bone growth with some osteotropic drugs.Specialists in the field of implantation sometimes lay artificial bone preparations directly into the hole to prevent its atrophy and accelerate its formation for high-quality delayed implantation. Not sure about the competence of your dentist / surgeon. It is possible that he has a narrowly focused activity, and you need an implantologist who will help in this particular situation, when the bone thickness is not enough. If the maxillary sinus is low, then preliminary sinus lift will help. I recommend getting a face-to-face consultation with an experienced implantologist. Thanks for the question.

  78. Anonymous:

    Removed the upper molar. It took 3 weeks after removal. I drank an antibiotic. There was no blood immediately after removal. Now the wound is poorly healed, everything is loose, the bone interferes from the edge.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The fact that after a traumatic removal did not form a quality wound is a defect of the doctor. Naturally, such holes sometimes lead to alveolitis, and in fact - extremely complicate the patient's life. The acute edge of the bone (exostosis) is usually advisable to remove with anesthesia. It is either bitten with bone nippers or corrected with a milling cutter. This procedure is quick and fearless, as it is carried out with anesthesia, but then the wound heals faster and more comfortable. So it makes sense to contact an intelligent specialist to give the hole a normal look. Thanks for the question.

  79. Hope:

    Hello, Doctor! 17.10 removed the upper left 3 and 4, with a suture. Everything was wonderful, but today on the gum, outside the place of the extracted teeth, I found a kind of growth, such a tubercle. It is pink in color (like a gum), does not hurt, but next to it there is some kind of hard, sharp process, with pressure a slight pain appears. What could it be? Should I urgently run to the dentist? Thanks in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It may not be necessary to run away urgently, but it is worth going down, as this is most likely the sharp edge of the bone (exostosis). Directly above in the commentary, I have already indicated to your “colleague in misfortune” what the doctor does in this situation. The main thing - do not be afraid and be healthy!

  80. Alexei:

    Hello! I'll tell you my story. It all started 15 days ago! The gums started to hurt, but by the evening the pain subsided completely. On Sunday, waking up in the morning, I saw a swollen right cheek in the mirror, and again the pain, and no longer aching, but a strong throbbing. Towards evening, I smelled pus in my mouth and found that my cheek broke out and pus came out - I had a boil in my ear, as a result, it burst through my cheek. I was certainly surprised (I'm not lying).

    On Monday, the swelling began to subside, and on Tuesday, November 8, it completely disappeared. I was delighted, but by evening the pain made itself felt, it was not even clear what exactly hurts: the ear, gum or cheek. On Saturday, the 12th, hellish pain began. I found a hole in the gum, from which pus came, and then I still felt the same wisdom tooth with my tongue. Since Sunday was a day off, I had to endure pain, even painkillers did not take it. On Monday, November 14, I got an appointment with the dentist, she looked, picked her gum, and from there went blood with pus. She said she felt better, sent for an x-ray. Prescribed antibiotics and chlorhexidine. And indeed, the pain is gone completely.

    The next day I came to her again, she looked at the picture: my tooth was lying completely horizontal, pressed the next tooth, plus it started to rot. In general, she sent me to the area! The next day I arrived at the regional dentistry. They took a picture and found that on the other hand I have the same tooth, it also lies horizontally. They said that they needed to be removed in a hospital, at the ChLH, and sent there. They put me there, and the next day they started the operation. They injected lidocaine (water) and the doctor began the removal process.

    The pain was hellish, because only half this water worked.He only managed to split the tooth, then he was called for an emergency operation. Without thinking twice, I ran to the pharmacy and bought ultracain with adrenaline (compare prices: lidocaine, 6 ampoules - 18 rubles., Ultracain, 1 ampoule - 105 rubles). In general, he injected it with me, my heart was already pounding. The doctor began to remove two roots. Bottom line: 5-7 minutes, and there are no roots, and most importantly - no pain! There was bleeding after the operation somewhere around 10 hours, and pain after ultracaine left. They injected an anesthetic, and the pain completely disappeared.

    Today is day 7, there was no temperature or swelling at all, and pain, too. It seems that the doctor did everything as needed, for which I am very grateful to him! But the adventure does not end: after 3 weeks, delete from the other side ((

  81. Ilya:

    Good afternoon! On Friday, the 18th, the bottom six was removed, removed without a snapshot. He deleted it well, quickly, the dentist said that he deleted everything, do not worry. He prescribed painkillers, rinses, an antibiotic, as I said that I had recently taken a picture of this tooth and a purulent bag was discovered. In general, a tooth was removed with an inflammatory process, it turns out. After anesthesia, there was pain that I endured for seven days. There was no swelling or smell. Saw nimesil. Somewhere on the fourth or fifth day I went to the doctor, who said that everything was fine. The pain did not recede. On the seventh day, I again turned to the same dentist: I finally took a picture, but I did not see anything in the picture. But he cleared the hole under anesthesia, it was hellishly painful, but suffered, as a result, he picked out a cyst from there. I cleaned everything, washed it, put the ointment under a napkin. The ointment is terribly bitter) The pains passed the same day, it slightly grows weak after eating or rinsing, but I think this is normal, because there are wounds. The next day, the doctor again put the ointment under the marlechka. The question is: should there be a blood clot in the hole after cleaning or not? What should be the hole during normal healing? A partition is exposed in the hole; nothing covers from above. After eating, rinse. Is it normal that the hole is empty?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The fact that the dentist put the medicine in the hole for you, pursuing in this method an attempt to eliminate the infectious focus and the inflammatory process against this background, determines in many respects the absence of a clot, since it is difficult for it to form in the presence of an applied ointment.

      If the septum in the hole is exposed (there is bone tissue that is not covered by the gum), this often complicates the healing conditions and creates prerequisites for painful sensations, especially during chewing. The fact that the hole remains empty is also not very good, since it does not protect anything, but after a certain time after tooth extraction (about 7-10 days), the risks that an empty hole will cause the development of alveolitis are already minimal. Simply, the healing time in the absence of a blood clot increases, and you should not wait for comfort from such a situation in the near future, while the hole is a kind of storage of food particles and bacteria from the oral cavity. If you are disturbed by pain, then you should contact your dentist and adjust the treatment.

  82. Catherine:

    Hello. I got a tooth removed a week ago, I don’t know what it’s called, in general, I chew it. The procedure was not smooth, one half of the tooth (it staggered) was torn out, and the rest was broken with some kind of sharp tool. As a result, the next day my cheek was swollen and my gums ached. A day later, she went again to the doctor, she washed the wound with furatsilin to me, and sent her home. No drugs are allowed to me, since I am pregnant, 28 weeks. The doctor said to come back to her in a day, and in the meantime make baths of soda and salt. I had a terrible bad breath, the doctor didn’t really say anything, washed me only with furatsilin and peroxide, and I was tormented by terrible pain all week, paracetamol does not save me at all. The ear has already started to hurt, but I don’t know what to do.How to relieve pain? What to do? As I understand it, I don’t have a blood clot there (

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You have symptoms of incipient alveolitis, and your health care provider may exacerbate it. I recommend contacting another dentist, since furatsilin is yesterday, and such annoying folk remedies as soda and salt are the way to nowhere: direct harm to the hole, and no more. By the way, washing the hole with hydrogen peroxide is also a very dubious action for comfortable healing.

  83. Anonymous:

    Sister's tooth was removed. After 5 hours, mom rinsed with soda and salt! And then they read that it’s impossible. What will happen now?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Not recommended - this is not the same as not. I will explain the difference. The fact is that, in secret, even among popular methods of treatment there is no absolute evil (well, except for absurdities that exist out of the ordinary). As for the soda-salt rinses after tooth extraction: this is from the same opera. Some of the dentists believe that this is sabotage, since the risks of washing out a protective blood clot from the hole are high, and indeed it hurts to rinse with this caustic solution in the first days after tooth extraction. Other dentists still prescribe this method to their patients: some almost from the first day of removal, others on the following days. More doctors from those who consider the technique obsolete and risky, but this does not mean that it is in your individual case that it will certainly harm. If such a rinse is tolerated satisfactorily, then, perhaps, on the contrary, it will help to avoid suppuration of the hole due to the accumulation of food on the gum and its decay.

      Personally, I do not prescribe soda-rinses after tooth extraction, but I know many doctors who successfully use them in practice. Therefore, you should look at the condition of your sister: the presence of pain, temperature, swelling, putrid breath, the tolerance of these very rinses, etc. If everything is within normal limits, then there is no reason to panic and run immediately to the doctor. Thanks for the interesting question.

  84. Catherine:

    Tell me please. Two years ago, I removed the top 6, then they pierced sinusitis over it. The hole has not yet healed, sinusitis also failed. But the hole does not bother at all. Will it be possible to sew it up or insert a tooth right like that?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you mean that for 2 years there has been a communication of the oral cavity with the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus), then this looks extremely unlikely, since you simply could not eat normally: the liquid component would come out through the nose. For 2 years, the hole may not heal for only one reason - when part of the tooth, for example, the root, is left in it. That is why your question looks rather strange in the light of my surgical experience and requires a thorough examination. Remotely I can say something more specific, if there is a photo of the hole (the area where the tooth was removed 2 years ago) - you can send it to the site’s mail.

  85. Natalya:

    4 days ago my daughter got the tooth removed. The operation took 10 minutes. There are pains now, not periodic, but there are. And there is the smell of rot. Do I need to see a doctor, or will it go away? Rinsing the mouth produces chlorhexidine.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I sincerely understand that in a hurry when writing a question you can miss the main thing, but in such cases it is important to describe the situation in more detail. For example, when you talk about your daughter, the question immediately arises: how old is she, have her milk tooth been removed? We will assume that your daughter is already over 18 years old, and the remnants of a permanent tooth (roots) were removed to her, and the question is, can these symptoms be diagnosed with alveolitis?

      More likely no than yes.You have written only two symptoms that, even by your description, are not basic. Because with alveolitis there are pains, but strong, throbbing, not stopped by analgesics, however, there are also minor pain at the initial stage. The smell of “rot” occurs with alveolitis, but it also happens without it, when the hole turns into a kind of garbage can for food particles and bacteria from the oral cavity, but the immune system is calm about this. There are no other important points to indicate. Does your daughter have a fever, and if so, what? Swelling of the cheeks, gums, facial asymmetry? Gum edema in the area of ​​removal: is the wound hyperemic, covered with a dirty gray coating or not? When you click on the gum near the hole, pus is released? What were the recommendations after removal other than rinsing with chlorhexidine? Or maybe you yourself began to apply this treatment method? Many dentists do not recommend this type of rinse at all. There is a chance that due to improper postoperative maintenance of the hole, a problem has turned out. With such a presentation of the material, I just need to write that you need to see a doctor as soon as possible so as not to delay before the holidays.

  86. Ruslan:

    Removed the 7th, upper left, 01/01/2017. 3-4 months ago, I snapped from under the root. Everything burst, healed normally, put a crown.

    Nerves are removed long ago, pins are installed in the roots. 2 years ago. And now the 1st and 2nd numbers of torment, 2 tablets of ketanov did not help. 3 at work exhausted. I removed it, it became much easier, but the smell of my mouth is like in a pharmacy. The pain is small, the gums are slightly swollen towards the cheeks, unpleasant white spots around the wound.

    He began to drink nimesil and rinse with a rotokan. I'm afraid to make mistakes. Tell and point out errors, if any. Thanks for attention.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Judging by your description, at the moment there is no cause for concern. The gums for the first 3-5 days after removal are always a little "swollen" around the hole, since this is a wound, and a wound is an inflammatory process against a background of trauma. The body reacts to damage in this way. White spots are perceived by many as pathology. In fact, this white plaque on the gum consists of the protein of the blood coagulation system - fibrin, and serves as a natural dressing that prevents the penetration of infection and protects the wound from mechanical injury. I do not welcome rinses, although they help a lot as a measure of cleaning the wounds from food, bacteria, etc. Thanks for the question.

  87. Inna:

    Hello. About five days ago I removed the wisdom tooth. Everything seems to be going fine. On examination, there is no inflammation. I continue to drink antibiotics for another two days. The place where the tooth was was sutured - judging by the comments, it is not often sutured. I wonder how you define bad smell from a hole like that?

  88. Tatyana:

    When I pulled out a tooth, I was afraid that the hole would heal for a long time. On the advice of a doctor, he rinsed his mouth with a decoction of calendula and absorbed Trachisan. It helps to remove the infection in the mouth, and after tooth extraction it is important.

  89. Svetlana:

    Hello, I removed the top six more than two years ago. There is still a hole, a toothpick reaches the bone, and on the side next to the hole in the gum the tip of the fragment is felt. Will the hole grow after a shard removal operation?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I think that the problem is not even in this fragment, but in breaking off a part of the tooth root after traumatic extraction. The hole heals to a large extent in 2-3 months, and for six months from it and the trace should normally remain. I think it’s worth taking a picture of a tooth to assess how much “foreign” material is in the gum, and then it’s imperative to remove what has not been completely removed more than 2 years ago. If everything is done correctly, then the hole will heal within a few months, and in six months the gum will become even.

  90. Helena:

    Hello, I’m 26 years old, as a teenager, the upper fangs were removed, since they grew crooked on top. Then the wisdom teeth grew and the teeth moved straight ahead. Two months ago, the upper wisdom tooth was removed (it is believed that it stands on the 7th tooth) on the right side, on the basis that it will be difficult to treat and that it does not have any special functions. During the removal, something cracked, and the blood did not stop for a long time, often had to change the swab. Perspex in the throat, it was difficult to swallow. Then on the following days she noticed blood from the nose on the right side. A speech impairment appeared, the cheek fell inside, complete discomfort, aching pains still do not go away, I occasionally hear some clicks in the nose. I hardly speak because of a speech impediment (as if balls were filled in my mouth), while there is a feeling of tightness of the jaw itself. Life has become a nightmare ... What now to do in this case? How can I fix it? From the doctor this sense is no longer there. Please help, how to be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Contact your maxillofacial surgery immediately, as your symptoms indicate damage to the maxillary sinus wall. If the oral cavity does not communicate directly with the nasal cavity, this does not mean that there is no danger of infection of the maxillary sinus. With delay, you can get chronic sinusitis, which will require serious treatment. The maxillofacial surgeon must assess the scope of the problem visually and radiologically, and only then will the question of treatment be decided - most likely, it will be prompt, but it’s too early to draw conclusions. It is not worth blaming the attending physician: it is difficult to know in advance the anatomy of the roots and their proximity to the sinus. Most often, the upper 4, 5 and 6 teeth “suffer” this, but the eighth should, in theory, be far away from this significant structure of the upper jaw, but in rare cases it still turns out like yours. Do not delay the treatment for a long time, since you run the risk of getting a complication, and the hole heals inadequately. It is best to choose the maxillofacial surgery of the dental center, where there is a hospital. The specialization of these doctors is just about extraordinary cases - and worse happens. For example, during a meal, food in severe patients falls directly into the nose and leaves it, that is, the sinus becomes open to "all the winds." Do not pull with a trip to the doctor and health to you!

      • Helena:

        Hello, I went to a few hl with snapshots and a 3D snapshot. The foreign body (filling material) and the sharp arrow of the treated canal 6 of the tooth protruding into the bosom (2012) were visible in the image. The first hl saw nothing and said that everything was fine and there was no message, the seal itself would resolve, etc. The pain has not stopped to this day. One person saw the cause in that same 6th tooth and saw that the seal covers only one canal, the other two pass the infection and must be removed along with the seal. She said that there is sinusitis. Other people confirmed odontogenic chronic sinusitis and the cause in the 6th tooth, and the 8th provoked an exacerbation. They suggested radical maxillary sinusotomy with removal, etc.

        Then they sent to the laura. ENT dissuaded from radical intervention in connection with the consequences and a hole in the skull, saying that it is possible to remove the seal through the nose. During this time, the nose was completely blocked from two sides, it was impossible to sleep. The sense of smell is gone. There was a noise in the ears, severe dryness when breathing. Sinus pain on the side where the tooth was previously removed. I had to urgently go to the hospital for an operation. At home, everyone was in favor of removing the fill with a micro-gyrotomy through the nose. And they drove to the laura (no hospital at this hospital). An operation was urgently performed under general anesthesia. After there were severe pains and a lot of blood flowed through the nasopharynx. They showed a photo of a seal overgrown with a fungal body and that’s it. They didn’t take the sowing, they said that there was no pus, the cotton wool in the nose was removed on the second day. There was no answer to why the other side was still not breathing.The seal is not sent for examination, the doctor is not serious (previously praised). For a week they simply injected cefazolin and cleaned the crusts in the nose (they did not rinse, saying that there was no pus, although the pus came out).

        As a result, they were discharged with an allegedly normal state, although pus often spoke about pain. At home, his condition worsened, pus became bigger every time, and the neck of the 6th tooth began to react to food, water, just when the cheek touched. And the pains became even more intense, they were given to the eye, to the temple, to the ear. Blood comes out with clots and pus, periodically itchy nose, clicks again. The other side is constantly blocked, the smell is not felt, the mouth is dry. Today, the area of ​​the 6th tooth is covered with white coating, the circumference of the neck of the tooth is brown. Now I don’t know what to do. Removing will result in a bosom message.

        If you just remove the tooth and if pus comes out and clean through the hole or through the nose, followed by plasty with suturing of the hole? Or do you have to do a radical operation with removal? Thanks in advance!

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          If periodontitis is already in the 6th tooth, which clearly provokes inflammation in the maxillary sinus, then it should be removed immediately with plastic surgery of the sinus fundus. There is nothing terrible and “radical” about it, it’s just important to find an experienced doctor.

          On the whole, the case is not simple, and I definitely can’t solve your problem in absentia, especially since even the experts who saw you in the chair disagree. Therefore, find a good doctor, trust him and act as he says.

  91. Anonymous:

    Hello, a molar tooth was pulled out on my lower jaw, after removing the gums I was seriously ill for almost 4 hours. The mouth barely opened, her tongue felt something sharp. This morning I woke up and pulled out a piece of tooth with my tongue. The pain subsided a little, but from the side of the cheek with the edge of the hole I feel a bone - as if the wall of a tooth. What could it be? Thanks in advance.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It could be:

      1. The sharp edge of the alveoli (bone), which is not covered by the gum;

      2. A fragment of the crown of the extracted tooth (less likely);

      3. Or a piece of bone that broke during dislocation of the roots - the outer or inner wall of the alveoli, holding on to the gum.

      Only a dentist can accurately determine. I recommend that you contact your doctor, but if you have lost confidence in him, you should consult any other dental surgeon. It may be necessary to make the hole more “clean”, sometimes this requires additional anesthesia and superficial intervention for future comfort and successful healing.

  92. Tatyana:

    Hello! My daughter had a flux. They put a medicine on her tooth. A week later they came and pulled it out. There was medicine left in the gum, the tooth was milky.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It can not be. Everything that was laid in the tooth is removed a priori. Unless the roots have broken off, it is doubtful. Maybe the doctor intentionally put something in the hole of the extracted tooth for the prevention of alveolitis? I would like to clarify with you these details, without which adequate diagnosis is impossible.

  93. Nina:

    Hello! On January 31, 48 teeth were removed for orthodontic indications. No drugs have been prescribed. Every day the pain becomes less, everything seems to be fine. But the numbness of the right side of the chin and lower lip remains. What could it be? And will it pass? To the doctor only on February 10th.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! This is usually a consequence of a small hematoma compressing the mandibular nerve. With an excessively traumatic operation, it is even possible to injure a “branch” of a nerve passing in the canal. This is much less common - and more likely during implantation, rather than when removing the lower wisdom tooth. The average cases fit into the timing of the passage of symptoms in about 2-3 weeks, a maximum of a month.Positive dynamics is a decrease in the manifestations of numbness with each next week. I am sure that everything will be all right with you. Thanks for the question.

  94. Nina:

    2 weeks ago removed the lower eight and along the way a seal from 7 matches. Consultation was not given. After about 40 minutes, the swab was removed and rinsed with sage, removing the clot. After 5 days, I closed the 7-ka because the hollow interfered and cut the tongue with the wall of the tooth. Soon the upper jaw became ill, on which 6 and 7 were removed in June and later the gum was operated on - the sharp edge was removed. After about 2 months I was prosthetized, but now I don’t wear the prosthesis - it hurts down below at the site of the removed 8, the gum is swollen and aching. The hole was tightened, but not tight, no sutures. The tooth was removed for 8 minutes, 3 tools, according to the testimony of the image - a hole at the root. And he ached. Should I see a dentist, or is everything going to work out? Thank you

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! 2 weeks after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth is a short time in order to comfortably wear a removable denture, since the hole has not completely healed, and the restoration of the gingival crest is in full swing. I am sure that a consultation with an orthopedic dentist is necessary, since it is worthwhile to find out if there are exostoses and sharp edges of the hole that complicate normal healing and may become an obstacle to wearing the prosthesis in the future. I would recommend for about a month not to disturb the hole by wearing a prosthesis. How to do this competently despite the fact that you need to somehow continue to live and not feel discomfort - here just an orthopedic dentist could advise something during an in-person examination.

  95. Catherine:

    The root of the anterior tooth was removed. 40 minutes. Rumbled gums, sutured. Pre-treated with peroxide. He said that he had put the medicine. I have the taste of iodine in my mouth, so disgusting and bitter that it makes me sick. I wonder if iodine is harmful? I swallow it with saliva.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! From this point of view, no, the medicine used will not harm, since the iodine in it is part of the compound, and it is not so large as to cause poisoning. I understand your feelings, I myself practically do not use these drugs because of the inability of many patients to tolerate this aftertaste in the mouth. However, in Soviet times, this was one of the few tools that worked effectively for the benefit of the doctor and patient for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis - in other words, purulent wounds.

      Now, many dentists do not accept iodine compounds, as it causes allergies in some people. You have almost 100% no allergies, so there is no reason to be afraid in this regard, but the doctor must create comfort for the patient. If what the doctor put in itself resolves, then this “sponge” or “flagellum” will cease to function within 6-7 days. If one of the older options for the prevention of alveolitis (iodoform on turunda from gauze, for example) was put, then this economy is better to remove if you are not comfortable with this treatment. Thanks for the question.

  96. Anastasia:

    Hello! Two weeks ago, I was removed 6-ku on the lower jaw on the right. Removal was quick, but very painful. I was even surprised, because several years ago I already had a tooth extracted (6-top left), and everything went fine, it was quick healing. And now, two weeks later, until now the place of removal has not been delayed, although it has become smaller. And what excites me the most is still hurts. Pain radiates to adjacent teeth and to the right ear. 2 days ago I stopped taking pain medication (I drank Nise first and then Pentalgin). The doctor advised doing baths with Stomatophyte, but there was no effect. I am now in another country, I started drinking antibiotics. I plan to visit a dentist in the near future (which is not so simple).My question is: do I understand correctly that such a situation after deletion is abnormal? What could it be? I want to at least understand something myself in this situation before I have to communicate with an unfamiliar doctor through an interpreter.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The situation definitely does not fit the category of norms. I think it's worth checking the following:

      1. Untreated alveolitis and its complications;

      2. The effect of dry holes or even sharp edges of the alveoli bone;

      3. I will not exclude in advance the likelihood that next to the hole there is a causal tooth (pulpitis or periodontitis).

      Be that as it may, if you have been on painkillers for 2 weeks, then clearly something is wrong. It is necessary to check the hole: take pictures for broken tops of the roots of the tooth (maybe they still provide fuel for the inflammatory process, or granulomas, cysts are left in the hole). Then analyze the adjacent teeth for hidden carious cavities.

      What I sketched for verification is quite enough to start searching for the cause of the problem by means of an exception, and only then prescribe something for treatment.

  97. Irina:

    Hello. A week and a half ago, the front tooth was removed. In the hole, it ached for about a week, then the pain began to subside. And today a red rounded formation has appeared from the hollow. There is no pus, there is no particular pain. Confuses - what is it? The edges of the hollow are a normal pink color on the outside, and a slightly inflamed gum on the inside. Education sticks out farther than the edges of the hollow. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Around this time, the hole is filled with granulation tissue in the place where the blood clot used to be. If you do not have pain and swelling combined with a putrid breath, then you should not do anything, except, of course, consult an orthopedic dentist about the timing of an anterior tooth prosthesis. If implantation is expected, then it is worth visiting an implantologist (maxillofacial surgeon in the field of implantation) to plan this procedure and to replace a dentition defect as soon as possible. Thanks for the question.

  98. Tanya:

    Hello, today I removed the wisdom tooth, lower right. When I ate, I constantly bit my cheek, and so I decided to remove it. It was terrible, I will not describe everything. At the moment I have one question: they told me that there was a small piece left, and if he comes out and there is no complication, then you can not worry. But I’m worried - should I leave him there, or still go again?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I do not recommend leaving anything in the hole: fragments, parts of the tooth root, granulomas, etc. - All these are sources of infection, and the body does not always cope with it. Of course, in some cases, he can localize it after a long struggle, manifested in the form of temperature, swelling, pain, in a kind of capsule, but this is for the time being. In a few months or years, this will all shoot, and a serious operation may already be necessary.

      A mobile shard, in particular, may come out on its own, but this implies a risk associated with waiting: will there be a good outcome - or will it not? It’s not a good idea to wait for the weather by the sea. So consult your dentist for processing a well from all foreign matter. If the doctor refuses, then contact another surgeon: take a picture, and the doctor will be able to orientate on it to help you solve the problem.

  99. Tatyana:

    Hello! Tell me, please, where should I start treatment? 2 years ago, the dentist said that I need to remove 4 wisdom teeth. The 2 lower ones (left and right) were black and poorly cut, and the 2 upper ones were visually quite decent, but according to the dentist, they had to be removed a long time ago, since the front teeth went a little ahead because of them.But no one had ever told me about this before, and I was not going to put braces ... How to do it right now? To treat tooth decay first, including tooth decay (also went caries)? Or can you first remove the wisdom tooth in the lower right (the whole is already black and not very well cut)? Will a long-sealed tooth with a small tooth decay next to it become an obstacle? I am 26 years old.

    P.S. It is difficult to psychologically tune in the extraction of 4 teeth, especially after reading. Maybe not in a hurry? )

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In a planned manner, I would not recommend removing all 4 teeth at once, it is better to remove 1, maximum two. In general, the order of work with your teeth is planned by the attending physician: without an examination, I have no right to decide, everything is individual here. If treatment is much more important now, then it is carried out, then the wisdom teeth are removed. I think that the seventh tooth will not become an obstacle to removing a wisdom tooth, so the risk of damage is extremely small if the doctor is a professional.

      The best decision is to listen to the dentist in the priority area of ​​work with your teeth. If you doubt the arguments of this doctor, it is easy to get 1-2 more consultations with other dentists in different clinics. Then you can weigh everything, find a common denominator and act accordingly. Consultations in many clinics are free or not expensive, so start with this.

      • Tatyana:

        Svyatoslav Gennadievich, thank you very much for the answer! It’s already begun to sanitize the teeth, it turns out that there may be caries under the old filling, which is generally unexpected for me, since there were no dots on the filling, only the tooth ached and reacted to the sweet. After sanitation, the doctor said that there was caries ... Yesterday the lower wisdom tooth was removed on the right, everything went quickly) It was small, poorly cut through, so the cavity after it also remained small)) Now it’s not so scary to visit this office for me. The second wisdom tooth is on the left - the doctor said that we still need to watch it, maybe it will still erupt ... And the upper ones can probably be sealed. But is there any sense if then in most cases they are removed from people? In general, everything turned out not to be so scary, the main thing is just to start))

        That's just the question: is it better to make an x-ray of all the teeth at once (circular)? And then every week to take a picture of a tooth is not very useful?

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! If you plan to correct the bite in the future, it is advisable to first consult a dentist orthodontist regarding the need to remove the upper wisdom teeth. If you do not plan to do anything with a bite (uneven teeth), then calmly treat the remaining wisdom teeth, especially if they are standing correctly in the dentition.

          A panoramic picture is good in some cases, sighting - in other cases (decide your doctor). If you take a film picture of your teeth no more than 3-4 times a month - this is not critical at all. And the pictures on the visiograph (computer) are even safer.

  100. Sergei:

    The moment when everything in your mouth is worse than in the pictures (26 years old, 26 of 32 teeth left) ...

  101. Anton:

    Hello, I had a tooth extraction today. I ate and slices of food fell into the clot, it was already difficult or difficult to get them out. What to do in this case?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In this case, you can gently rinse with a decoction of chamomile (or sage) and the next day consult a doctor for a follow-up examination of the hole at the healing stage. Rinsing is not always harmful from the point of view of washing out a blood clot, and in the context of your case it is an acceptable attempt to find a way out, but taking into account the subsequent control of the attending physician.

  102. Yaroslav:

    Yesterday (April 27) in the afternoon, the root of the lower 5 tooth was removed (rotted into the trash), pulled for half an hour. Now there is a barely noticeable pain, so it seems to be normal. Could you please tell me when it’s possible to work normally after that (I’m the foreman of the repair and construction team, and with such a fire it’s also time to get involved in the work, and not just walk around the facility and swear subordinates for their slowness)?

    The situation is simply such that the surgeon did not say when it is possible to work, but it is disgusting to me from my own inaction - six people plow, and I just go around the object and control, instead of connecting to the work in full. Moreover, now it’s full of steam, not enough time.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You are doing everything right, not doing physical work. After the extraction of a tooth (especially difficult), it is recommended that you limit yourself from this type of activity for several days, especially from sports, weight lifting with inclines, and all that. Everything that I listed can provoke delayed bleeding from the hole, since the pressure rises significantly during such work. In general, on the day of removal (especially difficult) it is recommended to simply lie down for the sake of a loved one and follow the basic recommendations of a dental surgeon. The following days are assessed by the condition, many of the patients give themselves a couple of days off to go around and start working as a full-time employee. Thanks for the question.

  103. Pauline:

    Hello! April 27 removed 6 on the left, also removed the cyst and purulent sac. The medicine was not applied and the tampon was not applied either, saying that a clot had already formed. There was aching pain on the second day, and a white coating appeared, there was no smell and temperature. On the 30th I went for an examination (because I was afraid of the development of the infection) - they removed the clot, cleaned the hole, gave me a bite of a gauze swab, and no medicine was prescribed. After 20 minutes, the gauze was removed, with it part of the clot came off (the hole is not empty). Today there was aching pain, it sounded a little in my ear. She made baths of chamomile tincture. The question is: will the wound heal longer after cleaning? Is it normal that the gum aches again (after cleansing)? And how long can it hurt? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Sometimes doctors act recklessly when they perform curettage of the hole only because of the patient's anxiety, when the procedure is not clearly necessary. However, if in your case there were still good reasons (I did not see them from the commentary), then the dentist should only be praised.

      After cleaning the hole, the wound will not heal as long as if it healed with a “rotting” clot in the hole, fragments of the crown of the tooth, granulomas, cysts. After treatment, of course, there is a repeated injury, and the hole can be disturbing for several days, especially during chewing. Usually this lasts an average of 4-7 days. Everything is purely individual, and depends not only on the doctor and your body, but also on the correct implementation of all recommendations. Trust your doctor and don’t worry too much, but if you experience serious symptoms (severe pain, swelling, high fever, putrid breath, gray plaque on the hole), be sure to ask for a second appointment.

  104. Catherine:

    Hello. The two lower retarded eights were removed, the healing went well, this was confirmed by the surgeon at the follow-up examination after 7 days. Three weeks have passed by now. The stitches and the area of ​​operation are still slightly swollen and red. It is disturbing that right behind my seventh teeth I see a jaw bone. That is, the gum does not seem to reach the seven, although it has already grown together. Of course, food enters that cavity and cannot be cleaned. This is the jamb of the surgeon and do I have to go swear, or is there a chance that he will heal again?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you see the bone tissue, then this is a cause for concern, since healing from this angle is difficult and there are certain risks. I recommend that you first contact your dentist to clarify the situation. If it turns out that the bone is really visible, then demand from the doctor is possible. But it is better to limit oneself to wound correction, rather than a conflict with a doctor.

  105. Hope:

    Good day to all! I also deleted a seven, the top left, a week ago (a little more). I followed almost all the recommendations of the doctor. But no one invited me for a consultation for some reason (perhaps because I came on a recommendation and paid the money past the cash register). One thing I can say for sure: if it is possible to wait for a favorable time for the extraction of teeth according to the lunar calendar, it is better to wait! Now, even abdominal surgery, the doctors themselves are trying to postpone it for this time. I just did not wait a day, and now I understand myself why the healing process is not going the way I would like. The husband twice removed the teeth of wisdom. Both times exactly when I advised him. On the second day, I didn’t even remember that he had such manipulation in his mouth ... So it turns out that she was worried about her husband, but she didn’t save herself.

    But, perhaps, the only thing that bothers me is the swelling of the gums at the injection site and the inflamed, slightly friable gingival margin from the side of the torn seven at the six. Is this the norm? There is no unpleasant odor, only sometimes it is as if the taste of the medicine is in the mouth when the tongue is sucked by the tongue. Svyatoslav Gennadievich, please answer my question. I did not look into the hole, it doesn’t bother, and okay.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Gum swelling and pain at the injection site can be present up to 5-7 days, and with complex removal, even up to 14 days. As for the taste of the medicine: most likely, the dentist put an anti-inflammatory drug in the hole. I think that in your case there is no cause for concern.

      Thank you for the recommendation to remove teeth on the lunar calendar)

  106. Anatoly:

    Removed the left seven, the hole is not tightened well. I had to inject to send blood. I can not continue the installation of ceramics.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you yourself perform "surgical intervention", then this is irrational, since it is thus easy to introduce an infection. In principle, from this perspective, disturbing a hole just to banally fill it with a new clot is simply blasphemy and mockery of your body. Firstly, it is important to know the exact reason why the hole does not heal well, and secondly, when determining the cause, you need to carry out the necessary procedures at the dentist with sterile instruments, and not just prick the wound.

      As for prosthetics: an orthopedic surgeon can easily wait until you solve the problem - and here you should not rush, it is not in your interests.

  107. Helena:

    A wonderful article and illustrations for clarity and comparison with your case. Three months ago, I removed the lower eight, hard - 3 hours, bleeding. A month ago, the remaining fragment was removed. The pain has passed, but there are many unpleasant sensations - it aches, pulls, the seventh tooth is exposed and sensitivity has increased, the teeth seem to have increased in size. The inner side of the cheek is hard, not elastic and somehow tightened closer to the throat. Please tell me if there will be an improvement? I guess I'm waiting for him too soon. The doctor had, said that everything had healed well, that the seventh tooth would remain bare, he advised toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The fact that you visited your doctor is wonderful. I understand that the removal was too traumatic, and there is no need to wait for the rapid formation (design) of the crest near the former wisdom tooth.But I am confused by some of the symptoms that you described: pulling, aching pains, tightening closer to the throat, a feeling of enlarged teeth. It is possible that something is wrong with the seventh tooth (in addition to obvious signs of sensitivity of the cervical region due to the recession of the gum, which now weakly protects this “neck”). To clarify the situation, it is important to conduct an examination and even take a control shot of the hole and the seventh tooth. The picture shows the situation in the hole and the state of the roots of the 7th tooth.

      That is, you should now get a consultation from another doctor in the clinic, directly in the chair. In addition, something else could be left in the hole - it is important to have an accurate idea of ​​the state of this area.

  108. Rimma:

    Hello. Help advice, please. I removed the bottom six 3 days ago. The removal was difficult, only the roots remained from the tooth, everything else went bad. After removal, aching pain has not passed for 3 days already - the place of tearing, the gum around it, adjacent teeth and jaw hurts. I drink painkillers. Out of ignorance, the clot picked when he first appeared, thought it was pus, and today he fell out. Now in the hole there is only a white coating. There is no more clot, I am very worried about what I have done? I went to the dentist 2 times, they convince me that everything is fine. The doctor prescribed to drink an antibiotic for 7 days (Amoxiclav). What is it for? In addition to all this, there is bad breath and stomatitis develops. Nothing rinsed even once. What do you advise to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It’s not worth worrying too much. Yes, a blood clot is the best biological defense (dressing) against infection and the penetration of all foreign matter into the well. It helps the hole to heal as comfortably and as quickly as possible. If for some reason a blood clot “falls out” or collapses, then often nothing bad happens. The only problem in such cases is the penetration of food into the hole, where it often rots, and an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. You can deal with this, but about the possibility of rinsing with certain means it is better to consult a doctor. In addition, it may be that in your situation, the doctor will suggest creating a new blood clot under anesthesia so as not to risk it.

      As for the antibiotic, antibiotic therapy is sometimes useful so that a purulent infection does not join (or to fight it). A number of dentists are against prescribing antibiotics “for prophylaxis,” although I cannot say for sure in this case, because I am not aware of all the details of your clinical situation.

      If you develop "stomatitis", it is important to understand its cause and treatment tactics, which will also determine the need for a visit to the dentist.

  109. Victoria:

    Hello. 4 days ago, the lower wisdom tooth was removed. They removed it for 2 hours, put some medicine there and sewed it up, prescribed the antibiotic of tsifran and rinsed with chamomile. The cheek is slightly swollen, but not critical. On day 2, nothing hurt at all, but on day 3, the gum started to hurt, as if it was burning and slightly pulsating, not very much, but annoying. The doctor examined and said that she was healing well. At night, the gum practically does not hurt, it begins during the day. This is normal? How much gum can hurt?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Since you passed the control examination of the doctor, I don’t see anything critical in this situation. The only thing I will suggest is that the gums can be injured during the day during eating, especially if the clot is partially or completely absent in the hole. This does not mean that the hole will become very sick or aching day and night, but certain painful sensations can be disturbing.

      It is also quite possible that during the day, among other things, you rinse your mouth, which in some way “irritates” the gum. Here we are talking about both benefits and some negative effects.That is why a number of dentists do not prescribe rinses, fearing that they will lead to leaching of the clot and subsequent pain. At night, you do not rinse, do not eat, are in a calm state, so the gums are not irritated, and nothing hurts.

      All this, of course, does not cancel the visit to the doctor in case of worsening situation. In the meantime, enjoy life and listen less to the condition of the tooth socket.

  110. Margarita:

    4 days ago, 26 teeth were removed. The tooth ball was partially destroyed and cracked right during pulling. It hurt for about 2 days. Now the place of removal is pulsating a little (as if the vessel there is generally close, in time with the heart rate). And the clot is about 3 millimeters below the edge of the hole, and a whitish coating on top. I read about all sorts of complications, now I'm terribly afraid of the onset of alveolitis. There is no unpleasant odor, but the taste is excellent, especially in the morning. I wanted to ask if it was normal that the clot became a little lower (it was along the edge of the hole)? Will the complication begin after 5-7 days?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The risk of developing alveolitis 1-3 days after tooth extraction is always there, regardless of how visually everything looks normal. However, complications after tooth extraction occur far as often as patients sometimes think. Even the worst dentist surgeon who removes 15-20 teeth a day, cases of root abandonment are much more common than alveolitis (no more than 10 cases per 100 removals). The point is that the healing of the hole most often does without the intervention of a dentist, and according to your description, at the moment there is no point in worrying and waiting for something terrible.

      If you are very worried about the result of the operation, then contact a dentist for a follow-up examination - this will only be commendable, as normal doctors approve a scheduled examination.

      As for your last question, I can say this: if the doctor did everything qualitatively, then the risk of complication 5-7 days after tooth extraction (especially taking into account your description) is close to zero.

  111. Natalya:

    Hello! The fourth week does not pass swelling of the gums after tooth extraction. The hole dragged on quickly. There is no pain, but the swollen gum is slightly aching. Do I need to go to the doctor again?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In your case, it is really important to deal with the problem with the dentist. The fact is that in a month the hole should go through the stage of primary healing, and normally the painful manifestations should be already excluded at the moment. After the examination, the doctor must draw conclusions - what exactly causes aching pain and swelling of the gums. Maybe there are sharp edges of the alveoli, or a tooth root was left in the hole. Most likely, you will need a picture to make an accurate diagnosis. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed only after diagnosis.

  112. Yulia:

    Hello! Yesterday at 16.00 two eights on the right side, upper and lower, were removed. It seems that the operation went without complications, because the doctor calmly cut his gums and pulled out his teeth, which had not yet erupted. Since I wore braces two years ago, I was immediately warned that eights would soon need to be removed. Here in May, the gums swelled for several days, immediately took a picture, and he showed that the wisdom teeth were almost at the surface. Thank God, practically without roots, since they had just begun to develop, their position was also normal, as with all teeth.

    After the dentist’s assurances that everything would go well, I calmed down a bit and decided to immediately remove two teeth, since I should not take antibiotics in tablets because of the diagnosis of celiac disease. I have to look in ampoules that they didn’t sell me in a pharmacy last night without a prescription.

    But this is all lengthy reasoning. Perhaps I was winding myself up too much and was worried in vain.Immediately after removing the teeth, holding ice near the cheek and removing the gauze by the surgeon, she went into the toilet and opened her mouth to at least see how everything looked. I saw a thin white piece of something incomprehensible, reminiscent of either the remainder of gauze or a piece of paper. She pulled out slowly and carefully herself. Only after home did I read and find out that this is a special sponge. But the fact is that the lower tooth was bleeding immediately after the operation. Not much, but it wasn’t very pleasant to taste the blood. Also there probably also the upper tooth was bleeding.

    In a panic, she wrote messages to her surgeon, but as luck would have it, he didn’t come in and answer. Tears flowed from the eyes in streams, relatives did not know how to calm. She sat with thoughts of what to do when it was night, where to go to stop the bleeding. I didn’t eat at all, I drank only a little water. I drank the children's nurofen, and the pain passed almost instantly, although it was not particularly. But there was pain from swallowing. And it is not in the throat, but as if the tongue, apparently, touches the edges of the holes, thereby causing pain. You can tolerate, but you still can’t swallow so much. 4 hours after the operation, when I was already choking with tears at home, the bleeding stopped. The doctor replied that it’s okay that I removed the sponge myself. Also said that there may be some discharge. Like, there is nothing to worry about.

    With a calm soul went to bed, and then it began. I apologize for being blunt, but drooling so that all the pillows were wet. She went to bed at 22.00, woke up at 3 nights. And then, during this time, constantly woke up. Sometimes I couldn’t even fall asleep, because I wanted to swallow everything. I noticed that it is extremely inconvenient for me to lie on either side and even on my back, the holes begin to whine a little, and either a small bleeding opens, or it just stands out, as my surgeon wrote to me about. I had to wake up completely and fix my body in a half-sitting, half-lying position. So I practically do not feel the whining in the holes and the discharge is less. But swallowing is still extremely unpleasant. The swelling of the cheek was almost complete.

    I apologize for writing so much and in such detail. But I have concerns that due to my stupid, independent removal of the sponge, the healing process may decline. I'm going to go to the doctor today in the late afternoon (now 5 a.m.). It turns out that only about 12 hours passed after the removal of the wisdom teeth.

    Very concerned about the question of how to care for the oral cavity. The mouth opens about halfway, further scary itself. I drink only water. I’m afraid that if we eat, then the remnants of the food will fall into the hole, and then there will be no healing at all. I’m also afraid to brush my teeth so as not to injure myself even more. Please tell me, will it be enough to take boiled water at room temperature in my mouth, hold it and gently spit it out so that I can clean my mouth a bit from food debris?

    And most importantly: as I already wrote, I can not take antibiotics in tablets. It was necessary to find in ampoules for injections. But the pharmacy kicked off, and in the morning I think to go to another. Is it okay that in the evening after tooth extraction I didn’t take an injection, but I waited only for the next day? And what antibiotics in ampoules can you recommend?

    I would be grateful if I get an answer!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! In this case, antibiotics are prescribed for prophylaxis, although many doctors consider such tactics to be fundamentally wrong. With complex removals, doctors sometimes resort to this method, but in many situations this is actually not required. About oral care. The best option is the anti-inflammatory gels that the dentist prescribes for topical use. A good effect is given by oral baths with decoctions of herbs (for example, chamomile or sage). It is the bath, not the rinse. In principle, 5-6 days after tooth extraction, you can rinse this decoction without problems after eating. Nothing terrible will happen.As for the boiled water taken in the mouth: I have nothing against it, but you will not get a big effect. The fact that you have overdue an antibiotic for a day is not scary. As I said, in most cases, antibiotics are not even required.

  113. Natasha:

    I didn’t delete, but went to clean the tartar. Nothing hurts, but where the stone was, there should be a gum. Dentist advised dentrogel gel gel ... How long does the gum recover? It just seems that if the gap between the teeth is filled, then not with the gum, but with a stone ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After the removal of tartar, gingival attachment is usually restored within 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process against the background of dental plaque. The void will be filled with gum tissue, that is, the gum will cover the neck of the teeth. However, I have no idea what your periodontal diagnosis is: gingivitis or periodontitis (form, severity, etc.), so I can’t give an accurate forecast. If it seems to you that the gum restoration process does not go as it would be desirable, then it makes sense to seem to the periodontist dentist.

  114. Veronica:

    All this, of course, is understandable. But why insert these photos in unmeasured quantities ?! It is impossible to read. And so scary, why do we still have to look at it close-up ?!

  115. Inna:

    Good afternoon! On Thursday evening, the lower retined 8 tooth was removed, removed from the bone, and was almost perpendicular to the rest of the teeth. They stitched, at the moment (on Saturday), a terrible edema, which already goes to the neck. I can’t open my mouth in full force, numbness of the tongue on the left, lower lip and chin on the left. The tongue itself hurts terribly, all white, the edges seem to be corroded, it is also impossible to swallow on the left. Everything hurts so that there is no strength to endure. I anesthetize with ketorol 3 times a day, take amoxiclav and suprastin. At the second appointment, the doctor unclenched my jaw with pain, said to work out, barely got into his mouth, trying to press the gum. But the language really hurts - she said to come up on Monday, and rinse.

    But I am worried about terrible swelling of the face and persistent pain. Please tell me is this normal? Should I take a picture? How long can edema occur, and after how long does it take to notice the dynamics of the reverse process of edema?

    I want to add that there was no temperature, and so far there was no bad breath, but this did not make it any easier, everything hurts. Thanks in advance for the qualified explanations.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The situation is complicated, and without a qualified examination in such cases it is difficult to reassure something (and this cannot be done). In my opinion, the best option would be to urgently contact your doctor to conduct an analysis of the situation and, if possible, adjust treatment. Too big a bunch of symptoms has collected from you traumatic removal of the retarded wisdom tooth.

      What you are currently observing is definitely not the norm. There is a need for an image, since it is important to determine how clean the wound is: whether there are fragments of tooth, apex of roots, cysts, granulomas. After complex and traumatic removal, swelling can last up to 1-2 weeks.

  116. Kristina:

    Hello! My daughter grows a fang from above right on the gum. The orthodontist offered to put braces. And if you just remove this tooth, what will be the consequences and is this the right decision?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! With the unauthorized removal of those teeth that can be corrected by the orthodontic method, there is a risk of additional problems on the part of the dentition - the appearance of crevices, tooth rotations and other occlusion pathologies. This does not always happen, but even a small probability of a future pathology does not give sufficient reason to neglect the opinion of a specialist.As a last resort, you can find 1-2 more orthodontists to get clarifications. It is possible that one of them will give the green light to the extraction of the tooth, having weighed all the pros and cons, but then you will at least be sure that you are not going on a deliberately wrong path.

  117. Andrew:

    Hello! 6 days ago, the bottom 8 was removed. A hemostatic sponge is placed in the wound. On the third day, the lower jaw began to ache a little on the causal side, and the next day an unpleasant odor appeared, but not a strong one. Now the smell is almost not felt, but a wave-like mild pain in the area of ​​3-5 teeth on the same side pests. 6, 7 under my crowns. The fact is that before removing the 8-ki, the doctor recommended putting on 6, 7 crowns, because they are already with pins and this will strengthen them. In another clinic, they advised first to remove the 8-ku, and only then install crowns.

    Please comment on the situation. What do you think should have been done first: crowns or removal? Could the doctor, when removing the 8, damage the 7? And slight pain of 3-5 teeth is the norm? Thanks in advance.

    • Good day, Andrey. Definitely, first removal, then crowns. Damage to the 7th tooth when removing the 8th is quite possible, but now it’s just a guess - you need to state such things not remotely, but with a careful examination of the oral cavity and the picture. Regarding pains in the area of ​​3-5 teeth and an unpleasant odor - most likely, the cause is alveolitis (an inflammatory process in the hole that causes pain, which often radiates to neighboring teeth).

      It’s not worth worrying, but it will be useful to see a doctor, and it is advisable for another - not the one who removed the tooth.

  118. Sveta:

    Hello. Removed the top six two weeks ago. A week after the removal, I noticed perforation (water went through my nose while brushing my teeth). The hole does not overgrow. ChLH suggested to wait another two weeks and prescribed ascorutin, a mummy, sea buckthorn oil, and levomekol. Does it happen that all this can itself overgrow without surgery? The hole is now clean, but large. And how should it change? What indicates that the process is proceeding normally?

    • A little about the mechanism of the formation of such defects: the upper 6 tooth usually has three roots (two buccal and one palatine). If there was a chronic inflammatory process on one of the roots for a long time, then there is a high probability that when the tooth is removed, an oroantral message will be received, that is, a fistula that connects the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus.

      It happens that such defects overgrow themselves, but this rarely happens. Assessing your situation, I believe that in this case it does not make sense to wait for the epithelialization of the hole. I recommend closing the defect surgically.

      Now for the healing process. 2 weeks after tooth extraction, the bottom of the hole should be covered with mucosa. The easiest way to check whether the fistula has closed or not is to try to gently cheek (without fanaticism). If you manage to do this, then we can say that the fistula has closed. If it did not succeed, then the oroantral message is saved.

      I recommend that you seek the help of a dental surgeon for an early solution to the problem.

  119. Larisa:

    Hello, Svyatoslav Gennadievich! 12/01/2017 the retired 8-ku was removed (lower left). She began to erupt in 2010 and pushed 7-ku. 8 was deep in the jaw bone and lay directly on the facial nerve. Both the doctor and I hoped that it would rise as it grew, but this did not happen.

    Periodically, it became inflamed and, finally, the doctor decided to remove it. I live in a small northern town, there is no CLH department, and 8, in general, no one but this young doctor takes to tear.

    Deleted somewhere 1 hour 25 minutes. Removal was traumatic, a clot did not form. The roots broke off (one 4 mm, the other 6 mm).The doctor tried to get them in different ways, but, given that they lie on the facial nerve, and the tops sclerosed with the jaw bone, because of the risk of paresthesia, he decided to remove the nerves in the tops of the roots, leaving the tops themselves. I drank azithromycin for 3 days at 500 mg, nimesil 2 sachets for 5 days. Every day for 6 days, the doctor pawned alveolar. From the 7th day I lay in solcoseryl as prescribed by the doctor and every 2 days I go for an examination.

    There was no pain, inflammation either after removal, or now.

    Svyatoslav Gennadievich, I read all your answers, where you recommend removing the roots. But what about the nerve on which the tops lie? After all, the risk is very great!

    The doctor says that the structure of the roots became like a jaw bone and strongly sclerosed with it, there will be no rejection, and if this happens, it will not lie on the nerve.

    Please answer me (I can’t find a place) what to do ?! Should I remove the tops lying on the nerve? Will these unfortunate tops grow? What can be the healing time of the hole? And what could be in my case?

    I really want to show you a CT scan. How to do it? Is alveolitis still possible? (shaking from this word ...) I really hope for your answer, HUGE THANKS TO YOU, in advance. Larisa

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! With all due respect to the surgeon, I have not heard about the treatment method applied to you. I’m not sure that it is possible to qualitatively treat the canals in the left apex of the tooth roots by removing the so-called “nerve” if the roots have difficult access + there is bleeding during the removal. Moreover, every dentist knows that the removal of the “nerve” is pointless in the endodontic sense if the channels are not sealed as a result (bacteria from the oral cavity will safely remain in these channels).

      I believe that approximately an hour after the start of tooth extraction, the doctor faced a stalemate: either misinform and reassure you a little, or honestly admit a fiasco.

      As for the possible damage to the nerve (this is the mandibular nerve) - it’s really hard to say without a snapshot how close this nerve really was and what tactics would be better or worse. The picture can be sent to the site’s mail. Now it remains only to state that the work has not been completed, there may be consequences. It happens that after a few years the roots left in the hole begin to be rejected, or simply go into exacerbation with all the consequences (swelling, temperature, severe pain, violation of the opening of the mouth, etc.).

      As for the alveolitis - given that it has already been 20 days since the tooth was removed, it no longer threatens you.

  120. Izzatbek:

    Hello! A week ago, a retina-8 in the lower jaw was removed. Nothing bothers, but behind the 7th from the buccal side, a cavity is visible, inside it is empty. This is normal? What should I do? And when does this cavity disappear? Thanks in advance )

    • Hello, Izzatbek. As a rule, the cavity in the area of ​​the removed wisdom tooth completely heals in one month (even without additional bone grafting and suturing). All this time, careful hygiene is especially important so that the contents of the oral cavity do not accumulate in the hole. If nothing bothers you, then there is no inflammation, and normal healing is under way.

  121. Nataliya:

    Hello! Is it possible after the removal of the last tooth in the upper right fracture of the bone so that it rests on the cheek? And the gum cannot grasp the hole completely - it is cut as if. Dangles like a rag over a hole. The bone, like a gate, is open in the middle of the gums towards the cheeks. 9 days after removal.

    • Hello! Probably, during the extraction of the tooth, the front wall of the socket broke. In such a situation, sharp edges and bone fragments are removed. In order for your hole to heal normally, you need to see a doctor with the goal of revising the hole and removing fragments and sharp edges.If this is not done, then the hole will heal for a very long time. So I recommend that you contact your dental surgeon as soon as possible.

  122. Alla:

    I read it. After the removal of the 6th lower tooth, 6 days passed. Everything hurts. I take pain medication 3-4 times a day (Ketanov). And I think: we are conquering space, oceans, the Arctic, but we have not learned how to remove the suffering from toothache and restore our teeth, not to us. Such torment - the 21st century!

  123. Olga:

    6 hours ago, 4 and 5 teeth were removed from above (brittle, since they were treated since 1990). A clot formed in the hole, and blood is deposited on it (it is thick with me). I don’t know what to do - I won’t get to the doctor in the next week. She tried to cut with scissors, but again the clot increased.

    • Hello Olga! After tooth extraction, a blood clot normally forms in the hole - this is absolutely normal, since it is a kind of biological dressing that prevents infection from entering the wound. The first 3 days you can not injure the clot at all. You write that you tried to remove (cut off) a part of the clot with scissors - you should not do this in order to avoid the development of alveolitis (inflammation of the socket). If a clot does not create extreme discomfort with its dimensions, then it is better not to touch it, gradually it will begin to disintegrate itself.

  124. Anna:

    Hello! I got a 6 on the lower jaw. The doctor said that he would put the valve and heal the wound. But during the operation, I could not understand when and how he laid the “bone”. According to my feelings, he endlessly alternately scraped the contents of the hole (curettage) and applied tampons from the bandage. He never put stitches. To my question, he replied that he had done everything, and the wound is too small, a suture is not needed. I read that osteoplastic material can be “washed out” of the hole if it is not sutured. I had great doubts about the doctor’s use of Collapan (he took considerable money for this material).

    Please help me understand how this operation should go. How to understand that the valve was used?

    A few days after the operation, the clot was covered with white coating, it became lower than the edges of the gum (as if sagging). There is practically no pain, and inflammation too. I would be grateful for the answers!

    • Hello Anna. Kollapan granules are soaked in blood, they may not be visible. Material can really fall out of the hole without suturing. Checking now whether bone material was used or not is practically impossible (even using X-ray, since the Valve is not an X-ray contrast material).

      White plaque is fibrin, one of the signs of normal healing of the hole, so I recommend looking at the situation from a positive perspective.

  125. Svetlana:

    Hello! After implantation in the upper jaw according to the All on six system and removal of the lower wisdom tooth, it is painful to open your mouth wide in the jaw junction area (near the ear) for 2.5 weeks already. Implantation and removal were not performed in my city, so it’s impossible to get an appointment with a doctor about this. Please tell me, is this normal, does this happen? And what is the reason?

    • Hello Svetlana. The pain when opening the mouth can indeed sometimes be observed - as a rule, when removing the 8-ki (until the hole has healed). About a month should pass. However, please note that after implantation, doctor’s examinations are necessary, therefore I recommend periodically visiting the doctor’s examination and taking pictures.

  126. Violetta:

    Removed 6 days ago the first of four eights (I will delete all 4). Removal is not complicated, it took about 20 seconds, there were no pains either after removal or in the following days. But I read that everyone appears on the next day, "white coating" - fibrin.And I, he, it seems, began to appear only on the sixth day. At least I hope it is him. I did not rinse, so I did not wash anything and there is a clot from the first day. This all upset me, now I’ll go for a consultation.

    Update as of September 22, 18. In general, 1.5 weeks have passed, the gum has already dragged on, I have not had any white plaque (fibrin). Nevertheless, it heals well and quickly, despite the fact that for a week now I have a cold. Waiting for recovery and going to remove the second 🙂

  127. Anonymous:

    11 days ago removed the top eight. Removed easily, it was not painful. No stitches were applied. Anesthesia completely disappeared 3.5 hours after removal. The tampon was removed from the wound after 20 minutes, as the doctor said. The tooth was removed at 18.00. Blood stopped only in the morning. 2 days hurt, drank pentalgin. Now it also hurts sometimes. The gum in the place of removal still hurts, swollen. A hole from the extracted tooth gapes in the gum; there is no clot. Food gets clogged in the hole. Have to rinse with chamomile. Is this a normal healing process?

    • Hello, such a healing process is not normal. A protective blood clot did not form in the hole, which serves as an aseptic biological dressing, which led to inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth - therefore, edema and pain are observed. It is quite similar to the development of alveolitis. So I recommend not waiting for the aggravation of the condition, it is better to contact a dentist-surgeon to assess the situation and correct treatment (may require curettage of the hole).

  128. Alex:

    The lower wisdom tooth was removed (it could not cut through, food in the pocket began to provoke inflammation). The process itself: it was chopped off, everything was hardened, the tooth itself was removed in a second, grabbing and there is none. Put a few stitches. The process is unpleasant, but nowhere to go, you have to endure.

    And then dances with a tambourine began ... About 2 hours after the removal, such pain started that I was just ready to climb the wall. For about an hour I cut circles around the room, walking a little distracting. It also helped to bang my head against the wall, but not so much, of course. I did not expect that there would be such a pain. After another couple of hours I was completely tired of enduring, I drank ketanes ... It became easier, the pain was gone. The general condition was - as if he fell ill, caught a cold. The next day, wild weakness, lay in bed all day, but there was no pain. In general, only one painkiller pill was enough.

    3 days have passed. The healing process is going well - antibiotics, baths, antihistamines are all drunk. But the question arose: if you look closely, you can see a hole there. Real such a pocket. Will he drag out? There is no blood clot in it, the walls are without damage, they are unlikely to grow together by themselves. Or will the gum recover from below? Pocket - is it bad? The ingestion of food, its rotting, inflammation ...

    • Hello! After surgery, such pain is sometimes characteristic during the first days, swelling is also possible. You did the right thing to take the analgesic.

      Yes, after removing the wisdom tooth, a small hole may form in the extraction area. The hole will necessarily be delayed, but the process of soft tissue regeneration will take some time (as a rule, it takes 1.5-2 weeks). If there is no blood clot in the hole of the extracted tooth, then you must still go to the doctor for an examination to make sure that the healing process is proceeding normally. The first symptoms of complications are severe pain in the socket and an unpleasant odor (usually after 3-4 days).

      If all is well, then the gum will recover within 1.5-2 weeks. As for the pocket (empty hole) - this is really not very good due to ingestion of food, although it is not always critical from the point of view of the final result. Be that as it may, I recommend contacting your doctor to make sure that everything is going fine.

  129. Vital:

    In short, pulled the top 8-ku.As the doctor said, fleece after 30 minutes down, and did not eat 4 hours. But he drank tea with chamomile - maybe the clot flew out. It’s far from visible, I don’t know how to look. I tried the mirror - it doesn’t crawl into my mouth, but if the acrobat has a large mirror, then the gum can be seen, but the eye does not reach there. Then he cracked crackers with chamomile and trepang with honey 3 tablespoons. He left a couple of pieces of trepang on that side of the gum and fell asleep (the trepang is just bactericidal and wound healing). I didn’t brush my teeth, there is no smell yet. I go for coffee beans, my interlocutors are smiling - apparently, everything is ok. Feels like anyway, I don’t feel anything at all. Put likes, I will write a sequel.

  130. Vlad:

    After removing the root of the tooth, a hole was sutured to me, but they did not say when to come to remove the stitches. When should I go to the doctor?

    • Hello, Vlad. If non-absorbable sutures were used, then the joints after complex tooth extraction are removed after 5-7 days. So by this time you need to make an appointment (and even if the thread is self-absorbable, visiting a doctor will still not be superfluous).

  131. Anastasia:

    I appeal to the creators of the site, was it really impossible to make a smaller photo? You read the text, go down - and then bam, bloody photos of holes? Could the photo be more ethical? I didn’t read it, I nearly vomited from your photos!

  132. Alexei:

    My gum was swollen, it was cut, and the pus kept coming out and going out. A week later he went to the doctor again - they said that a tooth should be removed. The tooth has been removed, and the pus is coming and going, as early as two days. I already have a swollen lymph node, I constantly rinse with furacilin. What does this mean and is it normal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Initially, you did a drainage (gum section) - this is necessary in order to get an adequate outflow of pus. If the correct home treatment is prescribed, then this drainage ceases to “work” as soon as the purulent outflow comes to naught. Now, in addition to the incision of the gums, there is also a hole in the tooth through which pus can exit. It is necessary to monitor the process of pus outflow and undergo control examinations by a doctor (I’m almost sure that you went to a surgeon with diffuse edema, and this is a rather dangerous condition). As for the lymph node, everything is individual here, and it is difficult to assess the situation in absentia (without pictures and examination). So be sure to get a consultation with your doctor.

  133. Denis:

    Hello! 30 days ago they removed the “stump” (four). He was already all darkened, rotten, etc. He didn’t go to the doctor immediately, hoping to rinse the pain with salt and soda, and drank diclofenac for seven days. Launched in general. When I realized that nothing helps, I went to give up. Removal was not entirely straightforward. The gums were inflamed, the doctor used two ampoules of anesthesia (since after the first I still felt pain). The tooth did not immediately give in, it was removed for 20-25 minutes.

    Then everything seemed to be normal. He drank as prescribed by the doctor Nimid and Tsifran. The pain gradually subsided. After 2.5 weeks, I decided to go to the doctor. There were no obvious pains. But sometimes some kind of discomfort slipped through. Plus, in the mirror, he noticed that there was no clot (although he was definitely in the first week). The doctor examined me, felt with a tool and reassured me. He said that he is slowly but healing, the bone is closed. He said that everything is slowly overgrown with gum. He tapped on neighboring teeth for caries. I prescribed ibuprofen for 5 days and told me to come back in a month if something was still bothering me.

    Two weeks have passed since then (that is, a month from the date of removal). Subjectively, the hole became a little smaller, but not yet tightened. There are no obvious permanent pains, but sometimes it seems that something is slipping. Although, maybe it's just my hypochondria.

    In principle, I would probably calm down on this and wait for complete healing, but about two weeks after the removal I had a strange symptom - sometimes the teeth clack themselves. This is a short-term single contraction of the jaw muscles. Myoclonus or what is rightly called. At the same time, the jaw does not numb and does not hurt. I can open my mouth wide and move my jaws freely. This is especially frequent and, accordingly, interferes with falling asleep.In general, muscle twitching at the time of falling asleep is considered normal (hypnagogic jerk): for someone, the arm will jerk whose leg. And sometimes I have teeth clanging instead of legs or arms. In the evening, when I’m tired, I somehow slip this moment and more or less normally fall asleep. But in the morning, if I woke up ahead of time, it is already difficult to fall asleep again. This is strange, it does not look like bruxism. This was not the case before tooth extraction.

    In connection with all of the above, I have several questions:

    1. How normal is it that the hole did not completely tighten a month after removal?

    2. What kind of gnashing of teeth? Could this be due to stress? I am very worried about this whole situation (I’m generally neurotic in life, I have hypochondriac with fear). Could this be a variant of the norm during the healing of the “four” hole, after complete healing it will pass? Could this be due to a lack of pressure on the jaw? From the moment of removal (month), I eat only the right side of the jaw so as not to damage the hole and so that food does not fall. And in general, I try to talk less laugh, etc. Maybe on the contrary, it is necessary to give a load and muscle tone is normalized?

    3. Can a carious tooth not hurt and at the same time interfere with the healing of the hole and provoke teeth clattering? Could such a hidden carious tooth be only a tooth adjacent to the socket or even any one in the mouth?


    • Hello Denis. Based on what you wrote, we can conclude that tooth extraction was difficult - in such cases, the healing period can exceed 30 days. As for the “flicking of teeth and twitching of muscles” - it is difficult to connect this with the removal (it might be worth making an appointment with a neurologist for a consultation). A carious tooth, tooth extraction and healing of a hole cannot cause the symptoms you described.

      In the absence of pain, it is necessary to chew food on both sides of the jaw.

  134. Sanchar:

    Hello. Tell me, please: 4 days ago they put a seal on my tooth. A few days later my jaw was swollen, it was cut open and a tooth was removed a day later. Now how many days will it heal?

    • Hello Sanchar! Usually in such cases, healing takes at least 2-4 weeks. Depending on the diagnosis and the degree of trauma of the procedure.

  135. Sergei:

    Hello! I have a problem of this kind: 3 days ago, they removed the bottom left eight, which before this was terribly sick. The removal itself was generally quick and painless, but after that I began to feel not painful, but rather dulling sensations (or maybe itching) in the place of the torn tooth. Plus, this “effect” has spread to neighboring teeth. During the day it is still bearable and you can somehow escape, but in the evening, as you go to bed, this itching intensifies. So, I want to ask: is this a good sign? And is it possible to somehow get rid of itching or minimize it to the very minimum?

    • Hello, Sergey. It is difficult to say without an examination whether the appearance of itching, as you write, is a “good sign”, or, conversely, a sign of an inflammatory process. I would recommend contacting a doctor who performed an operation to remove a wisdom tooth. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, as well as adjacent teeth. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations, taking into account your situation. In any case, if there is no positive dynamics, you should not leave the situation unattended.

  136. Anna:

    Hello. When removing the figure eight, the adjacent tooth was touched, there I had a large filling. Now there is little left of this tooth, it’s crumbly on top (apparently, the remains of a seal). Now severe pain after eating and rinsing comes from this tooth, since it is alive with me.I can’t brush it, it’s painful and I'm afraid to pick out the rest of the seal. How long after the removal of the figure eight can I go to treat this neighboring tooth?

    • Hello Anna. If you have more pain in the tooth, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. It is urgent to treat a tooth in such a situation, and there are no time indicators. Neglecting timely visits to the dentist can lead to much more serious consequences than the risk of disturbing the healing hole.

  137. Larisa:

    12/11/19 I had a tooth removed, 7 (bottom right). Removal was difficult, all the mucous membranes in the area were torn. Sewn with catgut, 7 stitches were applied. On the first day, 1 stitch was opened and the knot dropped. In the mouth like jelly. Over the weekend, a flux formed. I went to Barnaul, there the surgeon cleared everything, put turunda, completely filled the hole and put cotton wool with ointment levomekol on top for 15 minutes. Around the jawbone tissue from the lingual and buccal sides was still damaged. The doctor corrected all the bumps that interfered and injured the tongue. Prescribed antibiotics and pain medications (ciprofloxacin and nimesulide). I drank everything. Turned again, appointed a laser. But everything does not tighten the hole, does not form! What should I do?

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